31 October 2011

Astrakhan. Russia. 1979

Astrakhan. Kremlin.
Astrahan. Kreml.
Астрахань. Кремль.

Postcard, 1979.
My collection.

* The Kremlin in Astrakhan is an outstanding monument of Russian architecture and fortification of the sixteenth century.
See also: Astrakhan

28 October 2011

"The Good Soldier Švejk" - 1.

"The Good Soldier Švejk".
"Vahva sõdur Švejk".
"Бравый солдат Швейк".

Postcards (Czech), 1986.
My collection.

* "The Good Soldier Švejk" is the abbreviated title of a unfinished satirical novel by Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923). The original Czech title of the work is "Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války" - "The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk During the World War" (1923). The novel is set during World War I in Austria-Hungary.  My postcards are from Czechoslovakian puppetoon version "Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka" (1986).

* "Vahva sõduri Švejki juhtumised maailmasõja päevil" on Tšehhi kirjaniku Jaroslav Hašeki lõpetamata satiiriline romaan, mis Eestis on korduvalt ilmunud ja väga populaarne. Postkaartidel on seigad Tšehhoslovakkia nukufilmist "Vahva sõdur Švejk" (1986).

* "Похождения бравого солдата Швейка во время мировой войны" - незаконченный сатирический роман чешского писателя Ярослава Гашека. На открытках кадры из мультфилма "Бравый солдат Швейк" ("Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka") - 1986, Чехословакия.

27 October 2011

Anton Chekhov in Yalta - 3.

1.-2. The House-museum of A. P. Chekhov.
A.Tšehhovi maja-muuseum.
Дом-музей А. П. Чехова.

1. The bench of Maxim Gorky in Chekhov's garden.
* Maxim Gorky (Alexei Maximovich Peshkov, 1868 – 1936) was a Russian and Soviet author, a founder of the Socialist Realism literary method. On this bench Chekhov used to sit engaged in long talks with Maxim Gorky. Perhaps, precisely here did Chekhov say to Gorky: 
"If every man has done on a piece of land all he could, how beautiful our earth would have been!"
"Maksim Gorki pink" Tšehhovi aias.
"Горковская скамья"  в чеховском саду.

2.Guest room.
Комната для гостей.

Postcard from the set "A. P. Chekhov in Yalta", 1984.

Postkaardikogumikust "A. P. Tšehhov Jaltas", 1984.

Открытка из комплекта "А. П. Чехов в Ялте". "Радянська Украина", 1984.

My collection.

26 October 2011

Mortar Crew in Position. 1944

Mortar Crew in Position. WWII.
Miinipildurid positsioonil. Suur Isamaasõda.
Минометчики на позиции. Худ. А. Медельский.

Postcard, 1944.
My collection.

24 October 2011


"Alionushka" (Illustration to Russian fairy tale. 1881) / Viktor Vasnetsov (1848-1926) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.

"Aljonuška" (1881) / V. Vasnetsov / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.

"Алёнушка" (1881) / В. М. Васнецов (1848-1926) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.

See also.

23 October 2011

Frunze / Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan. 1977 - 4.

Engineering School

State Museum of Fine Arts.
Музей изобразительных искусств.

Pavilion of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy.
Kirgiisi NSV rahvamajandussaavutuste näituse peapaviljon.
Главный павильон BДНХ Киргизской ССР.

Monument to the Heroes of the Komsomol (the league of young communists).
Kangelaslike kommunistlike noorte mälestussammas.
Памятник героям-комсомольцам.

Postcards, 1977.
My collection.

22 October 2011

Irkutsk - 5.

Irkutsk Regional Art Museum.
Irkutski kunstimuuseum.
Иркутск. Художественный музей.

Irkutsk. Shopping Center.
Irkutski kaubanduskeskus.
Иркутск. Торговый комплекс.
Postcards, 1980.
My collection.

21 October 2011

Irkutsk - 4.

Irkutsk. Obelisk to the Builders of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
Obelisk Suure-Siberi raudteemagistraali rajatele.
Иркутск. Обелиск в честь сооружения Великой Сибирской магистрали.
Postcard, 1981.

Irkutsk. The Eternal Flame Memorial. WWII.
Irkutsk. Suure Isamaasõja memoriaal.
Иркутск. Мемориальный комплекс.
Postcard, 1978.
My collection.

20 October 2011

"Plyaska". Art lacquer painting. Palekh. Russia

"Plyaska (Russian Dance)" / Ivan Golikov / Art lacquer painting. Palekh / 1930s.
"Pljaska (Vene rahvatants)" / I. Golikov / Palehhi lakkmaal.
"Пляска" / Иван Голиков / Палех.

Postcard, 1979.
My collection.

See also:
"Working in the Fields" / I. Golikov / Art lacquer painting. Palekh.
"Tale of Ivan Golikov" / M. Shemarov / Palekh.

19 October 2011

Anton Chekhov in Yalta - 2.

1. Hotel "Taurida" - the former hotel "Russia"
/It was built in 1875 and was one of the best hotels in imperial Russia. A. Chekhov stayed there in 1894./
Võõrastemaja "Taurida" (varem "Rossija"), kus A. Tšehhov peatus 1894. a.
Гостиница "Таврида" - бывшая гостиница "Россия", где в 1894 г. останавливался А. П. Чехов.

2. Hotel "Marino"
/A. Chekhov stayed in "Marino" in 1899./
Võõrastemaja "Marino", kus A. Tšehhov peatus 1899. a. Nõukogude võimu aastatel oli siin sanatoorium "Kiiev", nüüd on aga endise nimega hotell.
Санаторий "Киев" - бывшая гостиница "Марино", где в 1899 г. останавливался А. П. Чехов.

1. Chekhov Theater.
Tšehhovi-nim Jalta linnateater.
Городской театр им. А. П. Чехова.

2. Palm leaves presented to the writer during a Yalta visite of the Moscow Art Theater (MHAT).
Palmilehed on Moskva Kunstiteatri kingitus Tšehhovile, kui teater oli tema "Kajaka" külalisetendustega Jaltas.
Дом-музей А. П. Чехова. Пальмовые ветви, подаренные писателю во время гастролей МХАТа, игравшего в Ялте чеховскую "Чайку".

Postcard from the set "A. P. Chekhov in Yalta", 1984.

Postkaardikogumikust "A. P. Tšehhov Jaltas", 1984.

Открытка из комплекта "А. П. Чехов в Ялте". "Радянська Украина", 1984.

My collection.

18 October 2011

Irkutsk - 3.

Irkutsk. Akademgorodok (Academy Town, Science Center).
Irkutski Akademgorodok (teaduselinnak).
Иркутск. Вид центральной части Академгородка.
Postcard, 1979.
My collection.

17 October 2011

Irkutsk - 2.

Irkutsk. Inturist Hotel.
Irkutsk. Hotell "Inturist".
Иркутск. Гостиница "Интурист".
Postcard, 1980.

Irkutsk. Memorial "Irkutsk Citizens in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".
Irkutsk. Memoriaal Suures Isamaasõjas osalenud irkutsklastele.
Иркутск. Мемориал "Иркутяне в Великой Отечественной войне 1941 - 1945 гг".
Postcard, 1979.

My collection.

16 October 2011

Irkutsk - 1.

Irkutsk. The Historic Memorial Decembrists' Museum.
Irkutsk. Dekabristide majamuuseum.
Иркутск. Дом-музей декабристов.
Postcard, 1979.
My collection.

Irkutsk  is a city and the administrative center of Irkutsk Oblast, Russia; one of the largest cities in Siberia. In the early 19th century, many Russian artists, officers, and nobles were sent into exile to Siberia for their part in the Decembrist revolt against Tsar Nicholas I. Irkutsk became the major centre of intellectual and social life for these exiles, and much of the city's cultural heritage comes from them; many of their wooden houses, adorned with ornate, hand-carved decorations, survive today in stark contrast with the standard Soviet apartment blocks that surround them. --- Wikipedia.

15 October 2011

The Bombing of Ploieşti's Oil Fields...

"The Bombing of Ploieşti's Oil Fields by Soviet Aviation" / V. Belkin.

"Nõukogude lennukid pommitavad Ploieşti naftatööstust" /V. Belkin.

"Бомбардировка советской авиацией нефтепромыслов в Плоешти" / В. Белкин

Postcard, 1944 ? . WWII
My collection.

* Ploieşti is the county seat of Prahova County and lies in the historical region of Wallachia in Romania. Although badly damaged after the November 1940 earthquake, the city was a significant source of oil for Nazi Germany. A target of the Oil Campaign of World War II (1941-1944), Ploieşti was attacked repeatedly, such as during the HALPRO raid, and Operation Tidal Wave. -- Wikipedia.

14 October 2011


"Autumn" (1954) / Nikolai Romadin.
"Sügis" / Nikolai Romadin.
"Oсень" (1954) / Николай Ромадин

Postcard, 1954.
My collection.

* Nikolai Mikhailovich Romadin (1903 - 1987) was Soviet painter. People’s Artist of the USSR (1971). He is best known for his small landscapes.

13 October 2011

Young Builders. 1955

Young Builders.
Noored ehitajad.
Юные строители. / Фото Б. Уткина.

Postcard, 1955.
My collection.

* Children - young builders of Kremlin.

* Väga populaarne ja oma ajastule iseloomulik postkaart väljendab ideed õnnelikust lapsepõlvest ja pilvitust helgete unistustega tulevikust. Lapsed ehitavad Moskva Kremli torni. Nukk tüdruku käes sarnaneb nukuga, mis oli olemas tuhandetes perekondades.

10 October 2011

Peaches. 1954

"Peaches" (1935) / Pyotr Konchalovsky (1876-1956) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.

"Virsikud" / P. Kontšalovski / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.

"Персики" / П. Кончаловский / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.

Postcard, 1954.
My collection.

See also.

8 October 2011

Prague at night. Czech. 1970s

Prague at night. Czech.
Öine Praha. Tšehhi.
Ночная Прага. Чехия.

Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.

* Prague  is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic.
1. Hradčany, the Castle District.
2. The Charles Bridge (
Karlův most).
3. Loreta - an important pilgrimage site.
4. The Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, or Tyn Church, (
Týnský Chrám).
5. St. Nicholas Church (
chrám svatého Mikuláše) at Malostranske namesti.

7 October 2011

"At the Doors of a School"

"At the Doors of a School" (1897) / Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky / State Russian Museum. St. Petersburg, Russia.

"Kooli lävel" (1897) / Nikolai Bogdanov-Belski / Riiklik Vene Muuseum. Sankt-Peterburg.

"У дверей школы" ("На пороге школы"), 1897 г. / Н. Богданов-Бельский. / Государственный Русский музей.

Russian postcard, 1941.
My collection.

* Nikolay Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky (1868 - 1945) was a Russian painter. Bogdanov-Belsky was active in St. Petersburg. After 1921, he worked exclusively in Riga, Latvia. Bogdanov-Belsky painted mostly genre paintings, especially of the education of peasant children, portraits, and impressionistic landscapes studies. "At the Doors of a School" is an autobiographical picture.

5 October 2011

Anton Chekhov in Yalta - 1.

1. The monument to Anton Chekhov.
A. Tšehhovi mälestussammas mereäärses pargis.
Памятник А. П. Чехову в Приморском парке. (Скульптор Г. И. Мотовилов).

2. The House-museum of A. P. Chekhov. Chekhov's study with the large Venetian window.
A. Tšehhovi majamuuseum. Kirjaniku töötuba nn veneetsia aknaga.
Дом-музей А. П. Чехова. Кабинет писателя с венецианским окном.

Postcard from the set "A. P. Chekhov in Yalta", 1984.

Postkaardikogumikust "A. P. Tšehhov Jaltas", 1984.

Открытка из комплекта "А. П. Чехов в Ялте". "Радянська Украина", 1984.

My collection.

* Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860 - 1904) was a Russian short-story writer, playwright and physician, considered to be one of the greatest short-story writers in the history of world literature.
In March 1897 Chekhov had suffered a lung hemorrhage caused by tuberculosis, symptoms of which had become apparent considerably earlier. Chekhov moved to Yalta on the advice of doctors in the 1898. Writer bought a plot of land and build a two-storey house with mezzanine (White cottage). In this house Chekhov wrote the narrative “In the Gully”, the plays “The Three Sisters” and “The Cherry Orchard”, the short stories “The Lady with the Dog», “At Christmas”, “The Bride” and others. In Yalta Chekhov met Bunin, Gorky, Kuprin, Korolenko, Shalyapin, Rachmaninoff. After his death (14 July 1904) his sister preserved the house exactly as it was in Chekhov's time and in 1926 she was appointed director of the Chekhov Museum that was set up there.

* Kuulus Vene kirjanik Anton Pavlovitš Tšehhov elas Jaltas nn Valges suvilas, mis ehitati aastatel 1898 - 1899. See oli ta kodu kuni 1904. aasta maini. Siin kirjutas ta mitu oma tuntud teostest, hoolitses aia eest ja ravis tuberkuloosi. Siin käis tal külas palju tuntud kultuuritegelasi. 1921. aastast on Valges suvilas Tšehhovi majamuuseum.

* Антон Павлович Чехов жил в Ялте в так называемой Белой даче до мая 1904 г. Дом построен в 1898 - 1899 годах. Хотя крымский климат не принес исцеления страдающему туберкулезом писателю, надежда дала силы для работы.В гостиной на даче были многие известные деятели литературы и искусства. С 1921. г здесь действует дом-музей А. П. Чехова. 

2 October 2011

Squirrels. 1956

These two little squirrels are helping their mother
to stock up with mushrooms preparing for winter.

Siin oravapojad abiks on hoolsal emal,
talveks perele seeni varuvad nemad.

Помогут бельчата заботливой маме
К зиме обеспечить семейство грибами ./ Худ. С. Бялковская.

Postcard, 1956.
My collection.

1 October 2011

Warsaw. Poland. 1972

Warsaw. Old Town Market Place (Polish: Warszawa. Rynek Starego Miasta).
Varssavi. Vanalinna turuplats (Rynek Starego Miasta).
Варшава. Рынок Старого города.
Postcard, 1972.
Stamp, 1966.
My collection.