29 April 2012

Alexander Ostrovsky

Statue of Alexander Ostrovsky beside the Maly Theatre. Moscow / sculptor Nikolay Andreyev.
Vene näitekirjaniku Aleksandr Ostrovski mälestussammas Moskvas Väikese Teatri juures.
Памятник А. Н. Островскому у Малого театра в Москве.

Postcard, 1955.
My collection.

* Alexander Ostrovsky (1823 – 1886) was a Russian playwright. With the help of Moscow capitalists, he established the Maly Theatre (Small Theatre) as a model theatre and school of dramatic art, of which he became the first director. He also founded the Society of Russian Dramatic Art and Opera Composers.

27 April 2012

The Main Pavilion. All-Union Agricultural Exhibition. USSR. 1955

The Main Pavilion. All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV). Moscow. USSR.
Üleliidulise põllumajandusnäituse peapaviljon Moskvas.
Главный павильон. ВСХВ (Всесоюзная сельскохозяйственная выставка) в Москве 
/Построен к 1954 году по проекту Г. В. Щуко и Е. А. Столярова./
Postcard, 1955.
My collection

26 April 2012

Konrad Mägi: "Portrait of a Woman (Madonna)"

"Portrait of a Woman (Madonna)" (1923/24) / Konrad Mägi (1878 - 1925). / Art Museum of Estonia. Tallinn.
"Naise portree (Madonna)" / Konrad Mägi / Eesti Kunstimuuseum.
"Портрет женщины (Мадонна)" / Конрад Мяги / Художественный музей Эстонии. Таллинн.
Postcard, 1976.
My collection.

25 April 2012

Konrad Mägi: "Ships in Venice"

"Ships in Venice" (1922) / Konrad Mägi (1878 - 1925). / Art Museum of Estonia. Tallinn.
"Laevad Veneetsias" / Konrad Mägi / Eesti Kunstimuuseum.
"Суда в Венеции" / Конрад Мяги / Художественный музей Эстонии. Таллинн.
Postcard, 1976.
My collection.

24 April 2012

Konrad Mägi: "Capri"

"Capri" (1922) / Konrad Mägi (1878 - 1925). / Art Museum of Estonia. Tallinn.
"Capri" / Konrad Mägi / Eesti Kunstimuuseum.
"Kапри " / Конрад Мяги / Художественный музей Эстонии. Таллинн.
Postcard, 1976.
My collection.

23 April 2012

Konrad Mägi: "Saadjärv". Estonia

"Saadjärv" (ca 1923 - 1924) / Konrad Mägi (1878 - 1925). / Art Museum of Estonia. Tallinn.
"Saadjärv" / Konrad Mägi / Eesti Kunstimuuseum.
"Саадъярв" / Конрад Мяги / Художественный музей Эстонии. Таллинн.
Postcard, 1976.
My collection.

22 April 2012

Moscow. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky

Moscow. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky.
Moskva. Mälestussammas Mininile ja Požarskile.
Москвa. Памятник Минину и Пожарскому.

Postcard, 1954.
My collection.

* Monument to Minin and Pozharsky is a bronze statue on Red Square of Moscow, Russia in front of Saint Basil's Cathedral. The statue commemorates prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, who gathered the all-Russian volunteer army and expelled the forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from Moscow, thus putting an end to the Time of Troubles in 1612. Designed by the architect Ivan Martos, it was erected in 1818 and became Russia's first monumental sculpture. The pediment is inscribed with the words: "To Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky, from a grateful Russia".

16 April 2012

The Estonian Maritime Museum - 7.

The light-ship "Nekmangrund", moored at the shallow of the same name, Off Hiiu Island, from 1876 until 1898. A light-ship was on no account allowed to leave its anchorage, even in the most violent of storms. Model by captain H. Tõnissoo.

Tulelaev "Nekmangrund" töötas Hiiu madala hoiatuspaadina 1876.-1898. a. Hoiatuspaat ei tohtinud oma kohalt lahkuda ka suure tormi ajal. Mudeli valmistas kapten H. Tõnissoo.

Плавучий маяк "Некмангрунд" работал у отмели Хийумадал с 1876 по 1898. Плавучие маяки должны были оставаться на своем месте даже во время большого шторма. Aвтор модели капитан Х. Тыниссоо.

* Postcard from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
* Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
* Открыткa из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.

My collection.

10 April 2012

Minsk. Belarus. 1974 - 5.

Minsk. 1. The Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Byelorussian SSR. 2. The Circus.

Minsk. 1. Valgevene NSV Suur Ooperi- ja Balletiteater. 2. Tsirkus.

Минск. 1. Государственный ордена Ленина академический Большой театр оперы и балета Белорусской ССР. 2. Государственный цирк.

Minsk. 1. The Palace of Sports. 2. The swimming-pool of the Palace of Water Sports.
Minsk. 1. Spordipalee. 2. Ujula veespordikompleksis.
Минск. 1. Дворец спорта. 2. Бассейн Дворца водного спорта.

* Postcards from the set "Minsk", 1974.
My collection.

8 April 2012

"Matsoni vendor" - Old Tbilisi - 13.

"Matsoni vendor".
/Matsoni is a fermented milk product, very similar to yogurt./
"Matsoni müüja".

* From set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.

My collection.

6 April 2012

The Estonian Maritime Museum - 6.

The barque "Copenhagen", built in Scotland in 1920. Gross displacement 3965 reg. tons. The ship was wrecked and lost, together with the crew, in the Atlantic in 1927. Model by captain H. Tõnissoo.

Barklaev "Kopenhaagen". ehitatud 1920. a Šotimaal. Mahutavus 3965 brutoregistertonni. Laev jäi koos meeskonnaga kadunuks Atlandi ookeanil 1927. a.  Mudeli valmistas kapten H. Tõnissoo.

Барк "Копенгаген". Построен в 1920 г. в Шотландии. Валовая вместимость - 3965 регистровых тонн.Затонул вместе с командой в Атлантическом океане в 1927 г.  Автор модели капитан Х. Тыниссоо.

* Postcard from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
* Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
* Открыткa из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.

My collection.

2 April 2012

The Hussites. Matěj Louda z Chlumčan

Matěj Louda z Chlumčan.
(M.Aleš: Husitský hejtman Matěj Louda z Chlumčan na píseckém kamenném mostě (1426). -- cz.)

Postcard, 1960s or 1970s.
My collection.

* Matěj Louda z Chlumčan - Matthew Louda of Chlumcany, excellent Hussite warrior and diplomat, was born on the 14th century. He died in 1460 in Prague.

* Matěj Louda Chlumčanist - hussiidi sõdalane, hetman, legendaarne kangelane.

See also: The Hussites. Jan x 3. Czech

1 April 2012

"Karachogeli with a fish" - Old Tbilisi - 12.

"Karachogeli with a fish".
"Karatšogeli kalaga".
"Карачогели с рыбой".

* From set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.

My collection.