30 May 2012

"Portrait of Maria Lopukhina"

"Portrait of Maria Lopukhina" (1797) / Vladimir Borovikovsky (1757 - 1825) / The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.
"Maria Lopuhhina portree" / Vladimir Borovikovski / Tretjakovi galerii, Moskva.
"Портрет М. И. Лопухиной" / Владимир Боровиковский / Третьяковская галерея, Москва.

Postcard, 1956.
My collection.

29 May 2012

The Estonian Maritime Museum - 10.

The ferry ice-breaker "Tehumardi", built in the USSR in 1973. Gross displacement 938 reg. t., total power of three engines 3000 HP. Plying between the harbours Virtsu and Kuivastu since 1974. Model by Y. Milushev.

Praam-jäälõhkuja "Tehumardi" ("Volõnets") ehitati 1973. a NSV Liidus. Mahutavus 938 brutoregistertonni, kolme masina koguvõimsus 3000 HP. 1974. a peab ühendust Virtsu ja Kuivastu sadamate vahel. Mudeli valmistas J. Milušev.

Паром-ледокол "Техумарди". Построен в СССР  в 1973 г. С 1974 г. осуществляет сообщение между гаванями Виртсу и Куйвасту. Автор модели Ю. Милушев.

* Postcard from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
* Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
* Открыткa из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.

My collection.

28 May 2012


"Bird-catchers" (1887) / Alexey Korzukhin (1835- 1894).
"Linnupüüdjad" / A. Korzuhhin.
"Птичьи враги" / Алексей Корзухин.

Postcard, 1956.
My collection.

27 May 2012

Tulips - 8.

"Striped Oxford"

"Orange Star"

* "Tulips" - Tulips from the collection of Tsytsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences.
Postcards, 1975.

My collection.

26 May 2012

Minsk. Belarus. 1974 - 8.

Minsk. Victory Square.
Minsk. Võidu (Peramoga) väljak.
Минск. Площадь Победы.

* Postcard from the set "Minsk", 1974.
My collection.

25 May 2012

"The Troublemaker"

"The Troublemaker" / Fyodor Reshetnikov.
"Pahandusetegija" / Fjodor Rešetnikov.
"Нарушитель" / Фёдор Решетников.

Postcard, 1955.
My collection.

* See also "Low Marks Again" .

24 May 2012

"The Three Graces"

"Three Sisters" ("The Three Graces") / Palma Vecchio / Dresden Gallery.
"Kolm õde" / Palma Vanem / Dresdeni galerii, Saksamaa.
"Три сестры" / Пальма Веккио / Дрезденская галерея.

* Palma Vecchio (1480 – 1528) was an Italian painter of the Venetian school.

Postcard (USSR), 1955.
My collection.

22 May 2012

Saratov. Russia. 1981 - 2.

Saratov. Monument to Nikolay Chernyshevsky.
Nikolai Tšernõševski mälestussammas.
Памятник Николаю Чернышевскому.

Saratov. N.G. Chernyshevsky's House-Museum.
Nikolai Tšernõševski majamuuseum.
Дом-музей Чернышевского.

Postcards, 1981.
My collection.

* Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828 – 1889) was a Russian revolutionary democrat, materialist philosopher, critic, and socialist (seen by some as a utopian socialist). He was the leader of the revolutionary democratic movement of the 1860s, and had an influence on Vladimir Lenin. His famous work "What is to be Done?" (1863, alternatively translated as "What Shall we Do?") is  written by  Chernyshevsky when he was in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The novel's hero, named Rakhmetov, became an emblem of the philosophical materialism and nobility of Russian radicalism. Chernyshevsky's House-Museum in Saratov was founded on September 17, 1920.

18 May 2012

Tulips - 7.

"Monte Carlo"


* "Tulips" - Tulips from the collection of Tsytsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences.
Postcards, 1975.

My collection.

16 May 2012

The Estonian Maritime Museum - 9.

The ice-breaker "Suur Tyll", built in Germany, in 1914. Gross displacement 2417 reg. t., the power of three engines 5800 HP. On August 28, 1941, left Tallinn for Leningrad with a caravan of ships, carrying 980 evacuees safely to their place of destination. Model by captain H. Tõnissoo.

Jäälõhkuja "Suur Tõll" ("Volõnets") ehitati 1914. a Saksamaal. Mahutavus 2417 brutoregistertonni, kolme masina koguvõimsus 5800 HP. 28. augustil 1941 evakueeris laevadekaravani koosseisus Tallinnast Leningradi 980 reisijat. Laev jõudis õnnelikult Leningradi. Mudeli valmistas kapten H. Tõnissoo.

Ледокол "Суур Тылл" ("Волынец"), построен в 1914 г. в Германии. Валовая вместимость - 2417 регистровых тонн. Общая мощность трех машин - 5800 л. с. 28 авг. 1941 г. в составе каравана судов эвакуировал из Таллинна в Ленинград 980 пассажиров. Судно благополучно достигло Ленинграда. Aвтор модели капитан Х. Тыниссоо.

* Postcard from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
* Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
* Открыткa из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.

My collection.

15 May 2012

Minsk. Belarus. 1974 - 7.

Minsk. 1. "Zhuravinka" restaurant. 2. "Partizan" cinema. 3. Vaneyev Street.
Minsk. 1. Restoran "Žuravinka" ("Kureke"). 2. Kino "Partisan". 3. Vanejevi tänav.
Минск. 1. Ресторан "Журавинка". 2. Кинотеатр "Партизан". 3. Улица Ванеева.

Minsk. 1, 3. The Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the Byelorussian SSR. 2. The "Byelarus" tractor.
Minsk. 1, 3. Valgevene NSV rahvamajanduse saavutuste näitus. 2. Traktorid "Belarus".
Минск. 1, 3. ВДНХ Белорусской ССР. 2. Тракторы "Беларусь"

* Postcards from the set "Minsk", 1974.
My collection.

14 May 2012

Saratov. Russia. 1981 - 1.

Saratov. Bridge across the Volga River.
Saraatov. Autosild üle Volga jõe.
Саратов. Aвтомобильный мост через Волгу.

Postcard, 1981.
My collection.

* Saratov is a major city in southern Russia. It is the administrative center of Saratov Oblast and a major port on the Volga River. Ukek, a city of the Golden Horde, was situated near the site of the modern city of Saratov from the mid 13th century until its destruction in 1395. The modern city was founded in 1590.
Saratov Bridge across the Volga River was the longest bridge in the Soviet Union upon its inauguration in 1965. Its length is 2,803.7 meters (9,198 ft). It connects Saratov on the right (west) bank of the Volga, with the city of Engels on the left (east) bank.

* Saraatovi autosild oli oma valmimisajal 1965. a väidetavalt Euroopa ja Nõukogude Liidu pikim sild (2803, 7 m).

* Саратовский мост — автомобильный мост через Волгу, соединяющий правый берег реки, на котором стоит город Саратов, и левый берег, на котором расположен город Энгельс. Саратовский мост на момент постройки в 1965 году был самым длинным мостом в Европе (его длина - 2803,7 метра).

10 May 2012

Tulips - 6.



* "Tulips" - Tulips from the collection of Tsytsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences.
Postcards, 1975.
My collection.

9 May 2012

Mamayev Kurgan - 1. "The Motherland Calls!"

Stalingrad (now: Volgograd). Mamayev Kurgan. The monumental memorial (WW II) was constructed between 1959 and 1967, and is crowned by a huge allegorical statue of the Motherland on the top of the hill. The monument, designed by Yevgeny Vuchetich, has the full name "The Motherland Calls!"

Stalingrad (praegu: Volgograd). Mamai kurgaan. Mälestussammas Stalingradi lahingu (1942-1943) auks. Kurgaanil kuju "Ema-Kodumaa kutsub!", Skulptor Jevgeni Vutšetits.

Сталинград (Волгоград). Мамаев Курган. Под руководством скульптора Е. В. Вучетича на Мамаевом кургане воздвигнут памятник-ансамбль "Героям Сталинградской битвы". Скульптура «Родина-мать зовет!» является композиционным центром всего ансамбля.

Postcard, 1981.
My collection.

7 May 2012

"The Little Humpbacked Horse (Konyok-Gorbunok)"

"Why, Ivanushka, so sad?
Tell me what's the matter, lad,"
Said he, fawning round his knees.
"Put your mind, Ivan, at ease,
Tell me what has happened, please -
Just confide in me, Ivan,
I will help you if I can."
Pyotr Yershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse (Konyok-Gorbunok)" (1834) / Illustration: V. Grishin.

Illustratsioon Pjotr Jeršovi värssmuinasjutule "Küürselg-sälg" / V. Grišin.

"Что, Иванушка, невесел?
Что головушку повесил? —
Говорит ему конёк,
У его вертяся ног. —
Не утайся предо мною,
Всё скажи, что за душою.
Я помочь тебе готов."
Пётр Ершов "Конёк-горбунок" (1834) / Художник В. Гришин.

Postcard, 1955.
My collection.

6 May 2012

Alexander Suvorov. Russia

Alexander Suvorov
Aleksandr Suvorov.
Александр Васильевич Суворов.

Stamp of USSR, 1955.
My collection.

* Alexander Suvorov, Count Suvorov of Rymnik, Prince in Italy, Count of the Holy Roman Empire (1729 (1730) – 1800), was the fourth and last generalissimo of the Russian Empire. He was one of the few generals in history (along with Alexander the Great, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, and Genghis Khan) who had never lost a battle.
His sayings: "What is difficult in training will become easy in a battle",
"The bullet is a mad thing, only the bayonet knows what it is about",
"Perish yourself but rescue your comrade!".

* Aleksandr Vassiljevitš Suvorov (1729 (1730) – 1800) oli Venemaa Keisririigi väejuht, üks vähestest, kelle juhtimisel ei kaotatud ühtki lahingut.

4 May 2012

Minsk. Belarus. 1974 - 6.

Minsk. 1. The embankment of the Svisloch River. 2. The Byelorussian Polytechnical Institute.
Minsk. 1. Svislotši jõe kaldal. 2. Valgevene Polütehniline Instituut.
Минск. 1. Набережная реки Свислочь. 2. Белорусский ордена Трудового Красного Знамени политехнический институт.

Minsk. 1. Railway Station Square. 2. Motel.
Minsk. 1. Väljak raudteejaama juures. 2. Motell.
Минск. 1. Привокзальная площадь. 2. Мотель.

* Postcards from the set "Minsk", 1974.
My collection.

3 May 2012

The Estonian Maritime Museum - 8.

The steamer "Eestirand", built in England in 1910. The biggest Estonian steamer from 1932 until 1939. Gross displacement 4688 reg. tons. The first mother-ship of the Estonian herring-fishing fleet in 1932. In August, 1941, when transporting approximately 5000 military recruits from Tallinn to Leningrad, the "Eestirand" was hit by two bombs tropped from fascist bombers. In order to save the men, the ship was grounded on a shallow off Prangli Island. In 1948 the ship was scrapped. Model by captain H. Tõnissoo.

Aurulaev "Eestirand" ehitati Inglismaal 1910. a. Eesti suurim aurik aastail 1932 - 1939. Mahutavus 4688 brutoregistertonni. Eesti esimene heeringapüügilaev 1932. a. Reisil Tallinnast Leningradi 1941. a augustis tabas laeva kaks fašistide pommi. Pardal olnud umbes 5000 mobiliseeritud sõjamehe päästmiseks juhiti laev Prangli saare juurde madalikule. 1948. a lõigati laev vanarauaks. Mudeli valmistas kapten H. Tõnissoo.

Паровое судно "Ээстиранд", построено в Англии в 1910 г. Самый большой пароход в Эстонии в 1932 - 1939 гг. Валовая местимость 4688 регистровых тонн. Первая в Эстонии плавучая база по лову сельди в 1932 г. Во время рейса из Таллинна в Ленинград в августе 1941 г. в судно попали две фашистские бомбы. Для спасения находившихся на борту 5000 мобилизованных воинов судно было направлено на мель близ острова Прангли. В 1948 г. разрезано на металлолом. Aвтор модели капитан Х. Тыниссоо.

* Postcard from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
* Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
* Открыткa из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.

My collection.

1 May 2012

May Day

Greeting card, 1971.

Greeting card, 1961.
My collection.