Trigorskoye. Osipov-Vulf house-museum (“The Larin House”).
Trigorskoje. Majamuuseum.
Тригорское. Дом-музей.
"Вдали, один, среди людей
Воображать я вечно буду
Вас, тени прибережных ив,
Вас, мир и сон тригорских нив,
И берег Сороти отлогий,
И полосатые холмы,
И в роще скрытые дороги,
И дом, где пировали мы..."
А. С. Пушкин. "Евгений Онегин"
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
30 October 2014
28 October 2014
Schwerin Palace. Germany
Schwerin Palace. Germany.
Schwerin. Loss. Saksamaa.
Шверинский замок. Шверин. Германия.
Postcard, 1986.
My collection.
* Schwerin Palace, or Schwerin Castle s a palatial schloss located in the city of Schwerin, the capital of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state, Germany. It is situated on an island in the city's main lake, the Schweriner See. It is regarded as one of the most important works of romantic Historicism in Europe and is designated to become a World Heritage Site. It is nicknamed "Neuschwanstein of the North". The current palace was built between 1845 and 1857. - Wikipedia.
Schwerin. Loss. Saksamaa.
Шверинский замок. Шверин. Германия.
Postcard, 1986.
My collection.
* Schwerin Palace, or Schwerin Castle s a palatial schloss located in the city of Schwerin, the capital of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state, Germany. It is situated on an island in the city's main lake, the Schweriner See. It is regarded as one of the most important works of romantic Historicism in Europe and is designated to become a World Heritage Site. It is nicknamed "Neuschwanstein of the North". The current palace was built between 1845 and 1857. - Wikipedia.
27 October 2014
Veliko Tarnovo. Tsarevets Fortress. Bulgaria
Veliko Tarnovo. Tsarevets Fortress. Bulgaria.
Veliko Tărnovo. Tsarevetsi kindlus. Bulgaaria.
Велико Тырново. Царевец. Крепость. Болгария.
Postcard, 1973.
My collection.
Veliko Tărnovo. Tsarevetsi kindlus. Bulgaaria.
Велико Тырново. Царевец. Крепость. Болгария.
Postcard, 1973.
My collection.
25 October 2014
Güstrow Palace. Germany
Güstrow Palace. Germany.
Güstrowi loss. Saksamaa.
Гюстровский замок. Гюстров. Германия.
Postcard, 1986.
My collection.
* Güstrow Palace (German: Schloss Güstrow) is a Renaissance-era palatial schloss in Güstrow, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, used as a museum and cultural centre. Built in 1558 for Ulrich, Duke of Mecklenburg. - Wikipedia.
Güstrowi loss. Saksamaa.
Гюстровский замок. Гюстров. Германия.
Postcard, 1986.
My collection.
* Güstrow Palace (German: Schloss Güstrow) is a Renaissance-era palatial schloss in Güstrow, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, used as a museum and cultural centre. Built in 1558 for Ulrich, Duke of Mecklenburg. - Wikipedia.
23 October 2014
"Scorpio. The Zodiac cycle"
"Scorpio. The Zodiac cycle" (1907) / Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875-1911) / Lithuania.
"Skorpion. Sodiaagimärgid" / Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis / Leedu.
"Скорпион. Знаки Зодиака" / Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис / Литва.
Postcard, 1971.
My collection.
* Scorpio (♏) is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac; 23 October - 22 November (2014).
20 October 2014
Hotel "Ukraina". Moscow. 1979
Hotel "Ukraina". Moscow.
Hotell "Ukraina". Moskva.
Гостиница "Украина". Москва.
Postcard, 1979.
My collection.
* Hotel "Ukraina" was designed by Arkady Mordvinov and Vyacheslav Oltarzhevsky (leading Soviet expert on steel-framed highrise construction), and is the second tallest of the neoclassical Stalin-era "seven sisters" (198 m (650 ft), with 34 stories). It was the tallest hotel in the world from the time of its construction until 1976. The hotel opened on May 25, 1957. - Wikipedia.
Hotell "Ukraina". Moskva.
Гостиница "Украина". Москва.
Postcard, 1979.
My collection.
* Hotel "Ukraina" was designed by Arkady Mordvinov and Vyacheslav Oltarzhevsky (leading Soviet expert on steel-framed highrise construction), and is the second tallest of the neoclassical Stalin-era "seven sisters" (198 m (650 ft), with 34 stories). It was the tallest hotel in the world from the time of its construction until 1976. The hotel opened on May 25, 1957. - Wikipedia.
17 October 2014
Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye. Russia. 1964 - 10.
Petrovskoye. Avenue of the limes.
Petrovskoje pärnaallee.
"Люблю я пышное природы увяданье,
В багрец и золото одетые леса..."
А. С. Пушкин. "Осень"
Петровское. Аллея карликовых лип.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.

* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also: Pushkin A. S.
Petrovskoje pärnaallee.
"Люблю я пышное природы увяданье,
В багрец и золото одетые леса..."
А. С. Пушкин. "Осень"
Петровское. Аллея карликовых лип.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.

* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also: Pushkin A. S.
16 October 2014
Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Petrovice. Czech Republic
Petrovice (Příbram District, near Sedlčany). Church of Saints Peter and Paul.
Petrovice. Püha Peetruse ja Pauluse kirik.
Петровице. Костёл святых Петра и Павла.
Postcard, 1957.
My collection.
Petrovice. Püha Peetruse ja Pauluse kirik.
Петровице. Костёл святых Петра и Павла.
Postcard, 1957.
My collection.
15 October 2014
Monument to Nikolai Gogol. Moscow. 1955
Moscow. Monument to Nikolai Gogol.
Moskva. Nikolai Gogoli mälestussammas.
Москва. Памятник Н. В. Гоголю.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
See also: Nikolai Gogol.
14 October 2014
State Chateau of Hluboká. Czech Republic
The State Chateau of Hluboká.
Hluboká loss. Tšehhimaa.
Замок Глубока. Чехословакия (Чехия).
Postcard, 1957(?)
My collection.
See also: State Chateau of Hluboká and Aleš South Bohemian Gallery. Czech Republic
Hluboká loss. Tšehhimaa.
Замок Глубока. Чехословакия (Чехия).
Postcard, 1957(?)
My collection.
See also: State Chateau of Hluboká and Aleš South Bohemian Gallery. Czech Republic
13 October 2014
State Chateau of Hluboká and Aleš South Bohemian Gallery. Czech Republic
The State Chateau of Hluboká and Aleš South Bohemian Gallery. Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic).
Hluboká loss ja Aleši galerii. Tšehhimaa.
Замок Глубока и Алшова югочешская художественная галерея. Чехословакия (Чехия).
Postcard, 1957(?)
My collection.
* The chateau of Hluboká was originally founded as a guarding castle in the mid 13th Knight from armory century by the Kings of Bohemia.
See also: State Chateau of Hluboká. Czech Republic
Hluboká loss ja Aleši galerii. Tšehhimaa.
Замок Глубока и Алшова югочешская художественная галерея. Чехословакия (Чехия).
Postcard, 1957(?)
My collection.
* The chateau of Hluboká was originally founded as a guarding castle in the mid 13th Knight from armory century by the Kings of Bohemia.
See also: State Chateau of Hluboká. Czech Republic
12 October 2014
Sunny Beach (Slanchev Bryag). Bulgaria
Sunny Beach (Slanchev Bryag). Bulgaria.
Päikeserand. Bulgaaria.
Солнечный берег. Болгария.
Postcard, 1974(?).
My collection.
* Sunny Beach (Slanchev Bryag) is a major seaside resort on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria.
Päikeserand. Bulgaaria.
Солнечный берег. Болгария.
Postcard, 1974(?).
My collection.
* Sunny Beach (Slanchev Bryag) is a major seaside resort on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria.
11 October 2014
Pleven. Restaurant "Pescherata". Bulgaria
Pleven. Kaylaka park. Restaurant "Pescherata".
Pleven. Kailaka park. Restoran "Peštšerata" ("Koopad").
Плевен. Парк "Кайлака". Ресторан "Пещерата".
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
Pleven. Kailaka park. Restoran "Peštšerata" ("Koopad").
Плевен. Парк "Кайлака". Ресторан "Пещерата".
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
10 October 2014
Klostermansfeld. Germany. 1958
Klostermansfeld (Krs. Eisleben). Village center. Germany.
Kostermansfeldi külakeskus.
Клостермансфельд. Германия.
Postcard, 1958.
My collection.
* Klostermansfeld is a municipality in the Mansfeld-Südharz district, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. - Wikipedia.
* Клостермансфельд - коммуна в Германии, в земле Саксония-Анхальт.
Kostermansfeldi külakeskus.
Клостермансфельд. Германия.
Postcard, 1958.
My collection.
* Klostermansfeld is a municipality in the Mansfeld-Südharz district, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. - Wikipedia.
* Клостермансфельд - коммуна в Германии, в земле Саксония-Анхальт.
9 October 2014
Georgi Dimitrov Boulevard. Stara Zagora. Bulgaria
Georgi Dimitrov boulevard. Stara Zagora. Bulgaria.
Georgi Dimitrovi puiestee. Stara Zagora. Bulgaaria.
Бульвар им Георгия Димитрова. Стара Загора. Болгария.
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
* Georgi Dimitrov Mikhaylov (June 18, 1882 - July 2, 1949) was a Bulgarian Communist politician. He was the first Communist leader of Bulgaria, from 1946 to 1949. - Wikipedia.
Georgi Dimitrovi puiestee. Stara Zagora. Bulgaaria.
Бульвар им Георгия Димитрова. Стара Загора. Болгария.
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
* Georgi Dimitrov Mikhaylov (June 18, 1882 - July 2, 1949) was a Bulgarian Communist politician. He was the first Communist leader of Bulgaria, from 1946 to 1949. - Wikipedia.
8 October 2014
Greetings from the Lake Balaton
Greetings from the Lake Balaton.
Tervitused Balatoni järve äärest.
Привет из Балатона.
Postcard, 1974 or 77 (?)
My collection.
Tervitused Balatoni järve äärest.
Привет из Балатона.
Postcard, 1974 or 77 (?)
My collection.
6 October 2014
Békéscsaba. Hungary. 1974
Békéscsaba. Hungary.
Бекешчаба. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1974 or 77(?)
My collection.
* Békéscsaba is a city in Southeast Hungary. The medieval Hungarian village of Csaba was established in the 13th century, first mentioned in the 1330s. Csaba is popular Hungarian given name for boys of Turkic origin, while prefix Békés refers to the county name Békés, which means peaceful in Hungarian. - Wikipedia.
Бекешчаба. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1974 or 77(?)
My collection.
* Békéscsaba is a city in Southeast Hungary. The medieval Hungarian village of Csaba was established in the 13th century, first mentioned in the 1330s. Csaba is popular Hungarian given name for boys of Turkic origin, while prefix Békés refers to the county name Békés, which means peaceful in Hungarian. - Wikipedia.
5 October 2014
Debrecen. Vörös Hadsereg Boulevard. 1974
Debrecen. Vörös Hadsereg (Red Army) boulevard. Liberation monument / sculptor Pál Pátzay, 1896-1979).
Debrecen. Vöros Hadseregi (Punaarmee) puiestee. Vabastamise monument.
Дебрецен. Проспект Красной Армии. Памятник Освобождению.
Postcard, 1974 (?)
My collection.
Debrecen. Vöros Hadseregi (Punaarmee) puiestee. Vabastamise monument.
Дебрецен. Проспект Красной Армии. Памятник Освобождению.
Postcard, 1974 (?)
My collection.
4 October 2014
Siófok Balatonszéplak. Hotel "Interpress". 1977
Hungary. Siófok Balatonszéplak. Hotel "Interpress". Orion Bar.
Ungari. Siófok Balatonszéplak. Rahvusvahelise ajakirjanike puhkekodu baar-klubi "Orion".
Венгрия. Шиофок Балатонсеплак. "Орион-бар" гостиницы "Интерпресс".
Postcard, 1977 (?).
My collection.
Ungari. Siófok Balatonszéplak. Rahvusvahelise ajakirjanike puhkekodu baar-klubi "Orion".
Венгрия. Шиофок Балатонсеплак. "Орион-бар" гостиницы "Интерпресс".
Postcard, 1977 (?).
My collection.
3 October 2014
Dombóvár. Hungary. 1969
Dombóvár. Hotel "Dombóvár".
Dombóvár. Võõrastemaja "Dombóvár".
Домбовар. Гостиница "Домбовар".
Postcard, 1969 (?).
My collection.
* Dombóvár is a town in Tolna County, Hungary.
Dombóvár. Võõrastemaja "Dombóvár".
Домбовар. Гостиница "Домбовар".
Postcard, 1969 (?).
My collection.
* Dombóvár is a town in Tolna County, Hungary.
2 October 2014
Siófok. Hungary. 1977
Siófok. Warehouse Sió. Hungary.
Siófok. Sió kaubamaja. Ungari.
Шиофок. Магазин Шио. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1977 (?)
My collection.
* Siófok is a city in Hungary on the southern bank of Lake Balaton in Somogy County. The city is one of Hungary's most popular holiday destinations, famous for its beaches and nightlife: "the capital of Balaton". - Wikipedia.
Siófok. Sió kaubamaja. Ungari.
Шиофок. Магазин Шио. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1977 (?)
My collection.
* Siófok is a city in Hungary on the southern bank of Lake Balaton in Somogy County. The city is one of Hungary's most popular holiday destinations, famous for its beaches and nightlife: "the capital of Balaton". - Wikipedia.
1 October 2014
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