24 January 2011

Tallinn. Architectural Monuments. Estonia. 1973 - 1.

* Tallinn. Architectural Monuments. 1973.
Estonia. Set, 16 postcards.
Aurora Art Publishers. Leningrad.
* Tallinn. Ahitektuurimälestised. 1973
Komplekt, 16 postkaarti.
Kirjastus Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad.
* Таллинн. Архитектурные памятники. 1973
Комплект - 16 открыток.
Издано в СССР, Изд-во "Аврора", Ленинград.

3. The Great Guild building. 1410.
Suure Gildi hoone. 1410.
Большая гилдия. 1410.

4. Church of the Holy Ghost. 13th - 19th centuries.
Püha Vaimu kirik. 13. - 19. saj.
Церковь св. Духа. ХIII - ХIХ вв.

6. Town Hall Square. 15th century dwelling house ("Craftsman's House").
Raekoja plats, käsitöölise maja 15. saj.
Ратушная площадь. Дом ремесленника. ХV в.

7. Municipal Pharmacy. 15th - 17th centuries.
Аптека магистрата. ХV - ХVII вв.

* From this set I don't have cards 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 15.
My collection.


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