17 March 2011

Boris Grigoryev "Portrait of My Wife"

"Portrait of My Wife", 1917 / Boris Grigoryev (1886 - 1939) / Lviv Picture Gallery, Ukraine.
Postcard 1975.

"Minu naise portree" / B. Grigorjev.

"Портрет жены", 1917 / Б. Григорьев.
My collection.


  1. Lviv is the only town of the Ukrainian Republic which has a name regularly translated in Italian language. The name in our atlases is LEOPOLI since always, even when it had been Soviet (until 1991 L'VOV), Polish (until 1939 LWOW) or Austrian (until 1918 LEMBERG).
    Congratulations on Your greatest gathering.
    I shall be visiting again regularly.

  2. Thank you for your very interesting comment. I guess so that in the future I may post some postcards from Lviv too.
