30 May 2011

Hévíz Gyógyfürdő. Hungary

Hévíz Gyógyfürdő. Hungary
/Lake Hévíz is the largest thermal lake in Europe (47,500 square metres in area). The flow of water is very strong and the lake is believed to be completely replenished each day. The waters are reputed to have curative effects, and there is a thriving health tourism industry in the area./
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.

28 May 2011

Tashkent. Uzbekistan. 1983 - 2.

The Koukeldash Madrasah. XVI century.
Медресе Кукельдаш. XVI век.

Cafe "Blue cupolas".
Кафе Голубые купола.

* Tashkent. Uzbekistan.
* Taškent. Usbekistan.
* Ташкент. Узбекистан.

Postcards, 1983.
My collection.

25 May 2011

Estonian Lighthouses - 4.

Sõrve. The lighthouse, 1960.
/The first lighthouse in Sõrve was erected in 1646./

Sõrve tuletorn.

Сырвеский маяк.

* Estonian Lighthouses.
Postcards, 1979.

My collection.

24 May 2011

Tashkent. Uzbekistan. 1983 - 1.

Monument to V. I. Lenin in Lenin Square. Sculptor N. Tomsky.
Памятник В. И. Ленину на площади имени В. И. Ленина. Скульптор Н. Томский.

Monument to 14 Turkestan commissars.
Памятник 14 туркестанским комиссарам.

Branch of the Central Lenin Museum.
Ташкентский филиал Центрального музея В. И. Ленина.

* Tashkent. Uzbekistan.
* Taškent. Usbekistan.
* Ташкент. Узбекистан.

Postcards, 1983.
My collection.

22 May 2011

21 May 2011

"Portrait of a Young Man"

"Portrait of a Young Man" / I. Vishnyakov (1699 - 1761) / Lviv Picture Gallery. Ukraine.
/Ivan Vishnyakov was a Russian painter. Vishnyakov worked in the painting department of the Ministry of Construction, and painted primarily portraits at that time. In 1739 he was promoted to the head of the department, and led the decoration of many palaces and churches in Moscow, Kiev, and Saint Petersburg./
Postcard, 1975.

"Noormehe portree" / I. Višnjakov.

"Портрет молодого человека" / И. Вишняков.
My collection.

20 May 2011

"Distinguished Carpet Weaver"

"Distinguished Carpet Weaver", 1959 / Stepan Dudnik (born 1913) / Lviv Picture Gallery. Ukraine.
Postcard, 1975.

"Kuulus vaibakuduja" / S. Dudnik.

"Знатная ковровщица" / С. Дудник
My collection.

19 May 2011

Estonian Lighthouses - 3.

Keri. The lighthouse, 1719.
/The first lighthouse in Keri was erected in 1719./

Keri tuletorn.

Кериский маяк.

* Estonian Lighthouses.
Postcards, 1979.

My collection.

18 May 2011

Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates". 1975 - 5.


Osirise ja Isise paviljon pargis.
Парк. Беседка Озириса и Изиды.

Kaseallee pargis.
Березовая аллея.

* Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates".
* Музей-усадьба И.Е. Репина ''Пенаты''.
* Ilja Repini majamuuseum "Penaadid".

Postcards, 1975.
My collection.

17 May 2011

Tulips - 3.

"Golden Emperor"


* "Tulips" - Tulips from the collection of Tsytsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences.
Postcards, 1975.

My collection.

16 May 2011

Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates". 1975 - 4.

Kunstniku tööruum.

Studio. Costumes for models.
Tööruum. Modellide kostüümid.
Мастерская. Костюмы для натурщиков.

Tööruum. Zaporoožlaste esemed.
Мастерская. Предметы запорожского быта.

* Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates".
* Музей-усадьба И.Е. Репина ''Пенаты''.
* Ilja Repini majamuuseum "Penaadid".

Postcards, 1975.
My collection.

15 May 2011

Góry Stołowe. Poland. 1972

"Wielblad" ("Camel Rock")

"Grzyby" ("Mushrooms")

"Białe Sciany" "White Walls")

* Góry Stolowe - the Table Mountains - are a 42 km long mountain range in Poland and the Czech Republic, part of the Central Sudetes. The Polish part of the range is now protected as the Table Mountains National Park (1993).
Postcards, 1972.
My collection.

14 May 2011

Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates". 1975 - 3.


Guest room

Repin's study.
I. Repini kabinet.
Кабинет И. Е. Репина.

* Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates".
* Музей-усадьба И.Е. Репина ''Пенаты''.
* Ilja Repini majamuuseum "Penaadid".

Postcards, 1975.
My collection.

13 May 2011

Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates". 1975 - 2.

Vaade tiigile.
Вид из дома на большой пруд.

Üks rõdudest.


* Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates".
* Музей-усадьба И.Е. Репина ''Пенаты''.
* Ilja Repini majamuuseum "Penaadid".

Postcards, 1975.
My collection.

12 May 2011

Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates". 1975 - 1.

* Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates".
Ilya Repin (1844 - 1930) was a leading Russian painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school. The I. E. Repin's Memorial Estate "Penaty" is a world-famous monument of Russian culture of the end of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Repin himself designed his home Penaty (literally, "the Penates") or the Roman "Household Gods", located just to the north of Saint Petersburg in Kuokkala (now Repino). Repin had lived in the "Penaty" Estate for the last 30 years of his life.
Care is taken of preserving historic appearance of rooms - 2 studios, a dining room, Repin's study and verandahs among them, - which speak of the owner's tastes and habits. Over 100 artworks by Repin, his students and friends are on display in the museum.

* Ilja Repini majamuuseum "Penaadid".
Kuulsa Vene maalikunstniku majamuuseum koos seda ümbritseva pargiga asub Karjalas Repinos (endine Kuokkala) ja on paik, kus Repin elas ja maalis oma elu viimasel 30 aastal. Hoone oli tema enda kavandatud. Pärast oma surma pärandas ta selle kunstiakadeemiale muuseumi jaoks. Muuseum avati 1940. aastal, kuid Suure Isamaasõja ajal 1944. aastal põles maja maha. Juba 1941. aastal sellest välja viidud esemed ja teosed säilisid ning 1962. aasta juuniks toodi need tagasi taastatud muuseumisse. Penaadid, kelle järgi kunstnik oma kodu nimetas, on Vana-Rooma koduhaldjad, kodu kaitsejumalad.

* Музей-усадьба И.Е. Репина "Пенаты"
Мемориальный музей открылся в июне 1940 года. В 1944 году, во время Великой Отечественной войны, дом сгорел. Однако, в 1941 году были вывезены и хранились в здании Академии художеств личные вещи, картины и рисунки Репина. В июне 1962 года возрожденная усадьба приняла посетителей.

* Ilya Repin's Memorial Estate "Penates".
* Музей-усадьба И.Е. Репина ''Пенаты''.
* Ilja Repini majamuuseum "Penaadid".

Postcards, 1975.
My collection.

11 May 2011

Estonian Lighthouses - 2.

Suurupi. The rear lighthouse.
/The first lighthouse in Suurupi was erected in 1760./

Suurupi ülemine tuletorn.

Задний створный маяк в Суурупи, 1760.

* Estonian Lighthouses.
Postcards, 1979.

My collection.

10 May 2011

Tulips - 2.

"Golden Age"

"Gold Beater"

* "Tulips" - Tulips from the collection of Tsytsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences.
Postcards, 1975.

My collection.

9 May 2011

9 May - Victory Day

Postcard, 1978.

Postcard, 1983.
My collection.

* The Soviet Victory Day or 9 May marks the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union in the Second World War (also known as the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union and some post-Soviet states). It was first inaugurated in the fifteen republics of the Soviet Union, following the signing of the surrender document late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (9 May by Moscow Time). It happened after the original capitulation that Germany earlier agreed to the joint Allied forces of the Western Front. The Soviet government announced the victory early on 9 May after the signing ceremony in Berlin.