31 December 2011
30 December 2011
29 December 2011
28 December 2011
27 December 2011
Lviv. Ukraine. 1974 - 3.
Lviv. Order of Lenin State University named after Ivan Franko.
Lvov. Ivan Franko nim Riiklik Ülikool.
Львов. Государственный ордена Ленина университет им. Ивана Франко.
New buildings of Order of Lenin Polytechnical Institute.
Polütehnilise instituudi uued hooned.
Новые корпуса ордена Ленина политехнического института.
Branch of the V. Lenin Central Museum.
V. I. Lenini keskmuuseumi filiaali hoone..
Филиал Центрального музея В. И. Ленина.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
Lvov. Ivan Franko nim Riiklik Ülikool.
Львов. Государственный ордена Ленина университет им. Ивана Франко.
New buildings of Order of Lenin Polytechnical Institute.
Polütehnilise instituudi uued hooned.
Новые корпуса ордена Ленина политехнического института.
Branch of the V. Lenin Central Museum.
V. I. Lenini keskmuuseumi filiaali hoone..
Филиал Центрального музея В. И. Ленина.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
24 December 2011
Estonia. 1959
Estonian New Year card.
Postcard, 1959.
My collection.
* The Russian-led USSR occupied and ruled Estonia from 1940 to 1991. The Soviet government forbade religious holidays and tried to persuade the Estonian people to transfer their Christmas festivities to New Year’s Day, a secular holiday. Christmas was not celebrated openly but discreetly.
Postcard, 1959.
My collection.
* The Russian-led USSR occupied and ruled Estonia from 1940 to 1991. The Soviet government forbade religious holidays and tried to persuade the Estonian people to transfer their Christmas festivities to New Year’s Day, a secular holiday. Christmas was not celebrated openly but discreetly.
23 December 2011
Häid pühi!
Happy holidays! / Silvia Väljal. Estonia.
Häid pühi! / Silvia Väljal.
С праздником! / Худ. С. Вяльял. Эстония
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
21 December 2011
The wives of the Decembrists. Russia - 2.
The expression Decembrist wife is a Russian symbol of the devotion of a wife to her husband.
Camilla Ivasheva (Le Dantieau, 1804 - 1839), wife of Decembrist Vasily Ivashev.
Camilla Ivaševa.
Камилла Ивашева (урожд. Ле-Дантю). / Акварель декабриста Н. А. Бестужева.
Praskovya Muravyeva (1790 - 1835).
Praskovja Muravjova.
Прасковья Муравьева (урожд. кн. Шаховская). / Портрет неизвестного художника.
Yelizaveta Naryshkina (1801 - 1867).
Jelizaveta Narõškina.
Eлизавета Нарышкина (урожд. Коновницына). / Худ. К. Гампельн.
The wives of the Decembrists in Chita, the "City of Exiles". (1920s).
Dekabristide naised Tšita vangla juures.
Жены декабристов у частокола Читинского острога. / Худ. А. Н. Якубович.
* Postcards from the set "Heroic wives of the Decembrists" (16 postcards). 1975.
* Postkaardikogumik "Kangelaslikud naised. Dekabristide naiste portreed". 1975.
* Подборка открыток "Героические женщины. Портреты декабристок" (16 открыток). 1975.
My collection.
See also: The wives of the Decembrists. Russia - 1.
Camilla Ivasheva (Le Dantieau, 1804 - 1839), wife of Decembrist Vasily Ivashev.
Camilla Ivaševa.
Камилла Ивашева (урожд. Ле-Дантю). / Акварель декабриста Н. А. Бестужева.
Praskovya Muravyeva (1790 - 1835).
Praskovja Muravjova.
Прасковья Муравьева (урожд. кн. Шаховская). / Портрет неизвестного художника.
Yelizaveta Naryshkina (1801 - 1867).
Jelizaveta Narõškina.
Eлизавета Нарышкина (урожд. Коновницына). / Худ. К. Гампельн.
The wives of the Decembrists in Chita, the "City of Exiles". (1920s).
Dekabristide naised Tšita vangla juures.
Жены декабристов у частокола Читинского острога. / Худ. А. Н. Якубович.
* Postcards from the set "Heroic wives of the Decembrists" (16 postcards). 1975.
* Postkaardikogumik "Kangelaslikud naised. Dekabristide naiste portreed". 1975.
* Подборка открыток "Героические женщины. Портреты декабристок" (16 открыток). 1975.
My collection.
See also: The wives of the Decembrists. Russia - 1.
20 December 2011
18 December 2011
"Winter Fun". Estonia
"Winter Fun" (1971) / Asta Vender. Estonia.
"Talvelõbu" (1971) / Asta Vender.
"Зимнее веселье" (1971) / Худ. Аста Вендер. Эстония.
Postcard, 1971.
My collection.
* Asta Vender (until 1939 - Asta Salurand; born 1916) is an Estonian artist and illustrator of children's books.
"Talvelõbu" (1971) / Asta Vender.
"Зимнее веселье" (1971) / Худ. Аста Вендер. Эстония.
Postcard, 1971.
My collection.
* Asta Vender (until 1939 - Asta Salurand; born 1916) is an Estonian artist and illustrator of children's books.
16 December 2011
"Troika. Apprentices Fetch Water"
"Troika. Apprentices Fetch Water" (1866) / Vasily Perov / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Troika. Töökoja õpilased veavad vett" (1866) / Vassili Perov/ Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Тройка. Ученики мастеровые везут воду" (1866) / Василий Перов (1833—1882) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Vasily Perov (real name Vasily Kridener (1833 – 1882) was a Russian painter and one of the founding members of Peredvizhniki, a group of Russian realist painters.
"Troika. Töökoja õpilased veavad vett" (1866) / Vassili Perov/ Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Тройка. Ученики мастеровые везут воду" (1866) / Василий Перов (1833—1882) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Vasily Perov (real name Vasily Kridener (1833 – 1882) was a Russian painter and one of the founding members of Peredvizhniki, a group of Russian realist painters.
14 December 2011
Scauts. 1944
Scauts. WWII.
Luures. Suur Isamaasõda.
В разведке. Великая Отечественная война. / Худ. Н. М. Кочергин.
My collection
Luures. Suur Isamaasõda.
В разведке. Великая Отечественная война. / Худ. Н. М. Кочергин.
My collection
12 December 2011
The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) - 2.
10 December 2011
"The Good Soldier Švejk" - 7.

"The Good Soldier Švejk".
"Vahva sõdur Švejk".
"Бравый солдат Швейк".
Postcards (Czech), 1986.
My collection.
* "The Good Soldier Švejk" is the abbreviated title of a unfinished satirical novel by Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923). The original Czech title of the work is "Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války" - "The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk During the World War" (1923). My postcards are from Czechoslovakian puppetoon version "Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka" (1986).
9 December 2011
Pleven. Bulgaria. 1964
Bulgaria. Pleven. War Historical Museum.
Pleven. Sõjaajaloo muuseum.
Плевен. Военно-исторический музей.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
From the back of the card: 36th Esperanto congress in Pleven. Bulgaria. 1964.
* De la 11-a ĝis la 14-a de julio 1964 en Pleven okazis la 36-a kongreso de la bulgaraj esperantistoj.
Pleven. Sõjaajaloo muuseum.
Плевен. Военно-исторический музей.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
From the back of the card: 36th Esperanto congress in Pleven. Bulgaria. 1964.
* De la 11-a ĝis la 14-a de julio 1964 en Pleven okazis la 36-a kongreso de la bulgaraj esperantistoj.
6 December 2011
The wives of the Decembrists. Russia - 1.
The expression Decembrist's wife is a Russian symbol of the devotion of a wife to her husband.
Yekaterina Trubetskaya (1800 - 1854).
Jekaterina Trubetskaja.
Екатерина Ивановна Трубецкая (урожд. гр. Лаваль). / Портрет неизвестного художника.
Maria Volkonskaya (1805 - 1863).
Maria Volkonskaja.
Мариа Николаевна Волконская (урожд. Раевская). / Акварель декабриста Н. А. Бестужева.
Maria Volkonskaya and Sergey Volkonsky in the jail (1830s).
Maria Volkonskaja Sergey Volkonskiga vangikambris nr 54 Petrovski tehase vanglas 1830. aastatel.
М. Н. Волконская с С. Г. Волконским в его камере 53 в тюрьме Петровского завода. / Акварель М. К. Юшневской, Петровский завод, начало 1830-х годов.
Praskovya (Polina) Annenkova (Pauline Gueble, 1800 - 1876).
Praskovja Annenkova, sünd. Pauline Gueble).
Прасковья (Полина) Егоровна Анненкова (урожд. Гёбль). / Акварель декабриста Н. А. Бестужева.
* Postcards from the set "Heroic wives of the Decembrists" (16 postcards). 1975.
* Postkaardikogumik "Kangelaslikud naised. Dekabristide naiste portreed". 1975.
* Подборка открыток "Героические женщины. Портреты декабристок" (16 открыток). 1975.
My collection.
* On December 14, 1825 ((26 December New Style) in St. Petersburg on the Senate Square there was the first in the history of Russia organized action of gentry revolutionaries against the tsarist autocracy and tyranny - The Decembrist revolt or the Decembrist uprising (Russian: Восстание декабристов). These were the senior officers of the tsarist army. The rebels were called the Decembrists (Dekabristy, Russian: Декабристы). The revolt was suppressed. Five leading Decembrists (Pyotr Kakhovsky, Pavel Pestel, the poet Kondraty Ryleyev,Sergey Muravyov-Apostol and Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin) were hanged, others were sent to hard labor in Siberia, Kazakhstan, and the Far East.
Eleven wives of the Decembrists prisoners shared their Siberian exile of theirs own free will. Among them - not noble, like Alexandra Yentaltseva and Alexandra Davydova, or lived in severe poverty in childhood Pauline Gebl, the bride of Decembrist Annenkov. But the most part of them belonged to the nobility: Princesses Maria Volkonskaya and Catherine Trubetskaya, Alexandra Muravyeva - the daughter of Count Chernyshev, Elizabeth Naryshkina, nee Countess Konovnitsyna, Baroness Anna Rosen, the general's wives Natalya Fonvizina and Maria Yushnevskaya.
Yekaterina Trubetskaya was the first of all wives to leave for Siberia (in July 1826). Her marriage to prince Sergey Trubetskoy was solid and unshakable until the end. They had 5 children in exile. Ekaterina died from cancer before amnesty even took place.
The most famous of these women was Maria Volkonskaya - beautiful, highly cultivated, daughter of famous general Raevsky married to Sergei Volkonsky.
There was another remarkable woman Pauline Gueble (Polina or Praskovya Annenkova). She was a 30 year-old French woman, who did not even speak Russian. Pauline came to Russia to open a dress making business. She met and fell in love with Ivan Annenkov. Pauline was determined to follow her love. The permission from the tsar was very hard to obtain. Eventually Ivan and Pauline married in Siberia.
Yekaterina Trubetskaya (1800 - 1854).
Jekaterina Trubetskaja.
Екатерина Ивановна Трубецкая (урожд. гр. Лаваль). / Портрет неизвестного художника.
Maria Volkonskaya (1805 - 1863).
Maria Volkonskaja.
Мариа Николаевна Волконская (урожд. Раевская). / Акварель декабриста Н. А. Бестужева.
Maria Volkonskaya and Sergey Volkonsky in the jail (1830s).
Maria Volkonskaja Sergey Volkonskiga vangikambris nr 54 Petrovski tehase vanglas 1830. aastatel.
М. Н. Волконская с С. Г. Волконским в его камере 53 в тюрьме Петровского завода. / Акварель М. К. Юшневской, Петровский завод, начало 1830-х годов.
Praskovya (Polina) Annenkova (Pauline Gueble, 1800 - 1876).
Praskovja Annenkova, sünd. Pauline Gueble).
Прасковья (Полина) Егоровна Анненкова (урожд. Гёбль). / Акварель декабриста Н. А. Бестужева.
* Postcards from the set "Heroic wives of the Decembrists" (16 postcards). 1975.
* Postkaardikogumik "Kangelaslikud naised. Dekabristide naiste portreed". 1975.
* Подборка открыток "Героические женщины. Портреты декабристок" (16 открыток). 1975.
My collection.
* On December 14, 1825 ((26 December New Style) in St. Petersburg on the Senate Square there was the first in the history of Russia organized action of gentry revolutionaries against the tsarist autocracy and tyranny - The Decembrist revolt or the Decembrist uprising (Russian: Восстание декабристов). These were the senior officers of the tsarist army. The rebels were called the Decembrists (Dekabristy, Russian: Декабристы). The revolt was suppressed. Five leading Decembrists (Pyotr Kakhovsky, Pavel Pestel, the poet Kondraty Ryleyev,Sergey Muravyov-Apostol and Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin) were hanged, others were sent to hard labor in Siberia, Kazakhstan, and the Far East.
Eleven wives of the Decembrists prisoners shared their Siberian exile of theirs own free will. Among them - not noble, like Alexandra Yentaltseva and Alexandra Davydova, or lived in severe poverty in childhood Pauline Gebl, the bride of Decembrist Annenkov. But the most part of them belonged to the nobility: Princesses Maria Volkonskaya and Catherine Trubetskaya, Alexandra Muravyeva - the daughter of Count Chernyshev, Elizabeth Naryshkina, nee Countess Konovnitsyna, Baroness Anna Rosen, the general's wives Natalya Fonvizina and Maria Yushnevskaya.
Yekaterina Trubetskaya was the first of all wives to leave for Siberia (in July 1826). Her marriage to prince Sergey Trubetskoy was solid and unshakable until the end. They had 5 children in exile. Ekaterina died from cancer before amnesty even took place.
The most famous of these women was Maria Volkonskaya - beautiful, highly cultivated, daughter of famous general Raevsky married to Sergei Volkonsky.
There was another remarkable woman Pauline Gueble (Polina or Praskovya Annenkova). She was a 30 year-old French woman, who did not even speak Russian. Pauline came to Russia to open a dress making business. She met and fell in love with Ivan Annenkov. Pauline was determined to follow her love. The permission from the tsar was very hard to obtain. Eventually Ivan and Pauline married in Siberia.
3 December 2011
"The Good Soldier Švejk" - 6.
"The Good Soldier Švejk".
"Vahva sõdur Švejk".
"Бравый солдат Швейк".
Postcards (Czech), 1986.
My collection.
* "The Good Soldier Švejk" is the abbreviated title of a unfinished satirical novel by Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923). The original Czech title of the work is "Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války" - "The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk During the World War" (1923). My postcards are from Czechoslovakian puppetoon version "Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka" (1986).
1 December 2011
On the Palace Square. 1944
On the Palace Square. Leningrad. WWII.
Paleeväljakul. Leningrad. Suur Isamaasõda.
На Дворцовой площади. Ленинград в дни Отечественной войны. / Худ. Я. С. Николаев.
My collection.
Paleeväljakul. Leningrad. Suur Isamaasõda.
На Дворцовой площади. Ленинград в дни Отечественной войны. / Худ. Я. С. Николаев.
My collection.
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