30 January 2012
The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) - 5.
< The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). Aeroflot (1974)
* Aeroflot is one of the oldest airlines in the world, tracing its history back to 1923.During the Soviet era, Aeroflot was the Soviet national airline and the largest airline in the world.
BAM. Aerofloti abil. (1974)
БАМ. На крыльях Аэрофлота.
The Vanquisher. (1974) >
Taiga alistaja.
Покоритель тайги.
Postcards, 1976.
From the set "BAM - the track of courage and heroism".
My collection.
28 January 2012
"Kurtanchshik" - Old Tbilisi - 4.
"Kurtanchshik" (Porter)"
"Абела куртанщик"
* From set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.
My collection.
"Абела куртанщик"
* From set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.
My collection.
27 January 2012
"Wood Distances"
"Wood Distances" (1884) / Ivan Shishkin (1832 - 1898) / The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
"Metsased kaugused" (1884) / Ivan Šiškin / Tretjakovi Galerii, Moskva.
"Лесные дали" (1884) / Иван Шишкин / Государственная Третьяковская галерея, Москва
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (25 January 1832 – 20 March 1898) was a Russian landscape painter closely associated with the Peredvizhniki movement. He became famous for his forest landscapes. The works of this outstanding artist enjoy vast popularity in Russia; the best of them have become the classics of Russian landscape painting.
"Metsased kaugused" (1884) / Ivan Šiškin / Tretjakovi Galerii, Moskva.
"Лесные дали" (1884) / Иван Шишкин / Государственная Третьяковская галерея, Москва
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (25 January 1832 – 20 March 1898) was a Russian landscape painter closely associated with the Peredvizhniki movement. He became famous for his forest landscapes. The works of this outstanding artist enjoy vast popularity in Russia; the best of them have become the classics of Russian landscape painting.
25 January 2012
Teberda-Dombai - 1.
Dombai. Lake Kluhor (2700). On the top of the mountain Mussa-Achitara.
Dombai. Kluhhori järv. Mussa-Achitara mäel.
Домбай. Озеро Клухор (2700 м) и Клухорский перевал (2782 м). На вершине Мусса-Ачитара.
Postcard from the set "Teberda Dombai", 1973.
Postkaardikomplektist "Teberda Dombai", 1973.
Открытка из комплекта "Теберда-Домбай", 1973.
My collection.
* Dombai is a mountainous country in Karachaevo-Cherkessia (Russian North Caucasus) , in the Kuban river basin. Dombai - one of the most popular mountain resorts of the Caucasus. Mountain Dombai-Ulgen, 4040 m, is the highest pea of the region. Dombai is often called "the heart of mountains". It is surrounded by them from the every side. Dombai is situated in the territory of the Teberda National Park. You can find there not only the grand mountains. In Teberda and Dombai region there are many waterfalls, high-mountain lakes and unique forests and plants.
Dombai. Kluhhori järv. Mussa-Achitara mäel.
Домбай. Озеро Клухор (2700 м) и Клухорский перевал (2782 м). На вершине Мусса-Ачитара.
Postcard from the set "Teberda Dombai", 1973.
Postkaardikomplektist "Teberda Dombai", 1973.
Открытка из комплекта "Теберда-Домбай", 1973.
My collection.
* Dombai is a mountainous country in Karachaevo-Cherkessia (Russian North Caucasus) , in the Kuban river basin. Dombai - one of the most popular mountain resorts of the Caucasus. Mountain Dombai-Ulgen, 4040 m, is the highest pea of the region. Dombai is often called "the heart of mountains". It is surrounded by them from the every side. Dombai is situated in the territory of the Teberda National Park. You can find there not only the grand mountains. In Teberda and Dombai region there are many waterfalls, high-mountain lakes and unique forests and plants.
24 January 2012
The Estonian Maritime Museum - 1.
The helm of a ship sunk in the estuary of the river Pärnu during World War I. A seaman's chest was used by sailors on board of sailing-ships for storing their personal belongings. the binnacle with the compass-kettle belonged to the steamship "Pakri", a 19th-century steamer.
Esimese maailmasõja ajal Pärnu jõe suudmesse uputatud laeva suur rooliratas; purjelaevas töötanud meremehe kast; pronksist kompassi jalg kompassikatlaga aurulaevalt "Pakri".
Большой штурвал корабля, затонувшего в устье реки Пярну во время первой мировой войны; матросский сундук моряка парусного суда; бронзовая компасная шпилька с котелком, принадлежавшая пароходу "Пакри" (XIX в).
Postcard from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
Открыткa из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.
My collection.
On the cover: The Estonian Maritime Museum is located in the cannon tower, Paks Margareeta (Fat Margaret); the light-ship "Nekmangrund".
На обложке Эстонский государственный Морской музей (башня Толстая Маргарита); плавучий маяк "Некмангрунд".
Postkaardikomplekti ümbrisel on G. Germani foto Eesti Riiklikust Meremuuseumist (ajaloolises Paksus Margareetas) ja tulelaev "Nekmangrund".
* The Estonian Maritime Museum opened its doors to visitors in the harbour of Tallinn in 1935. At that time, it was the only one of its kind in the Baltic countries. During the Great Patriotic War a part of the museum funds were destroyed. After the war one of the first measures was the foundation of the maritime branch of the Tallinn City Museum. The Estonian State Maritime Museum was inaugurated on October 22, 1965, in Tallinn. Its displys contain materials on Estonian ship-building, navigation and fishery. The museum's collection of ship models gives a survey of the development of navigation from the 12th century up to the present time...
* Эстонский государственный Морской музей был открыт в Таллинской гавани в 1935 году. В то время он являлся единственным подобным музеем в Прибалтике. В ходе Великой Отечественной войны часть коллекций музея погибла. В 1959 году был создан филиал истории мореходства при Таллинском городском музее. 22. октября 1965 года в Таллине открылся Эстонский государственный Морской музей, экспозицию которого составляют материалы по кораблестроению, мореплаванию и рыболовству в Эстонии. Музейная коллекция моделей судов дает обзор развития судоходства начиная с древности до наших дней...
* Eesti Riiklik Meremuuseum avati Tallinna sadamas 1935. a. See oli tollal ainus meremuuseum Baltimaadel. Suure Isamaasõja ajal hävis osa muuseumi varadest. Pärast sõda loodi merenduse filiaal Tallinna Linnamuuseumi juurde. 22. oktoobril 1965 avati Tallinnas Eesti Riiklik Meremuuseum, kus eksponeeritakse materjale Eesti laevaehitusest, meresõidust ja kalandusest. Muuseumi laevamudelite kollektsioon annab ülevaate laevanduse arengust muistsest ajast kuni tänapäevani...
Esimese maailmasõja ajal Pärnu jõe suudmesse uputatud laeva suur rooliratas; purjelaevas töötanud meremehe kast; pronksist kompassi jalg kompassikatlaga aurulaevalt "Pakri".
Большой штурвал корабля, затонувшего в устье реки Пярну во время первой мировой войны; матросский сундук моряка парусного суда; бронзовая компасная шпилька с котелком, принадлежавшая пароходу "Пакри" (XIX в).
Postcard from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
Открыткa из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.
My collection.
On the cover: The Estonian Maritime Museum is located in the cannon tower, Paks Margareeta (Fat Margaret); the light-ship "Nekmangrund".
На обложке Эстонский государственный Морской музей (башня Толстая Маргарита); плавучий маяк "Некмангрунд".
Postkaardikomplekti ümbrisel on G. Germani foto Eesti Riiklikust Meremuuseumist (ajaloolises Paksus Margareetas) ja tulelaev "Nekmangrund".
* The Estonian Maritime Museum opened its doors to visitors in the harbour of Tallinn in 1935. At that time, it was the only one of its kind in the Baltic countries. During the Great Patriotic War a part of the museum funds were destroyed. After the war one of the first measures was the foundation of the maritime branch of the Tallinn City Museum. The Estonian State Maritime Museum was inaugurated on October 22, 1965, in Tallinn. Its displys contain materials on Estonian ship-building, navigation and fishery. The museum's collection of ship models gives a survey of the development of navigation from the 12th century up to the present time...
* Эстонский государственный Морской музей был открыт в Таллинской гавани в 1935 году. В то время он являлся единственным подобным музеем в Прибалтике. В ходе Великой Отечественной войны часть коллекций музея погибла. В 1959 году был создан филиал истории мореходства при Таллинском городском музее. 22. октября 1965 года в Таллине открылся Эстонский государственный Морской музей, экспозицию которого составляют материалы по кораблестроению, мореплаванию и рыболовству в Эстонии. Музейная коллекция моделей судов дает обзор развития судоходства начиная с древности до наших дней...
* Eesti Riiklik Meremuuseum avati Tallinna sadamas 1935. a. See oli tollal ainus meremuuseum Baltimaadel. Suure Isamaasõja ajal hävis osa muuseumi varadest. Pärast sõda loodi merenduse filiaal Tallinna Linnamuuseumi juurde. 22. oktoobril 1965 avati Tallinnas Eesti Riiklik Meremuuseum, kus eksponeeritakse materjale Eesti laevaehitusest, meresõidust ja kalandusest. Muuseumi laevamudelite kollektsioon annab ülevaate laevanduse arengust muistsest ajast kuni tänapäevani...
23 January 2012
Lviv. Ukraine. 1974 - 5.
Lviv. Shevchenko Avenue.
Lvov. Tarass Ševtšenko puiestee.
Львов. На проспекте Т. Г. Шевченко.
New buildings in the corner of Verkhnyozelena and Krimska Streets.
Uusehitised Verhnozeljonaja (Ülem-Rohelise) ja Krimmi tänava nurgal.
Новостройки на углу улиц Верхнезеленой и Крымской.
Rinok Square.
Rinoki (Turu) väljak.
На площади Рынок.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
Lvov. Tarass Ševtšenko puiestee.
Львов. На проспекте Т. Г. Шевченко.
New buildings in the corner of Verkhnyozelena and Krimska Streets.
Uusehitised Verhnozeljonaja (Ülem-Rohelise) ja Krimmi tänava nurgal.
Новостройки на углу улиц Верхнезеленой и Крымской.
Rinok Square.
Rinoki (Turu) väljak.
На площади Рынок.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
22 January 2012
Mikhail Lermontov
Mikhail Lermontov (1814 - 1841) / S. Bondar.
Mihhail Lermontov.
Михаил Лермонтов.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov (1814 – 1841), a Russian Romantic writer, poet and painter, sometimes called "the poet of the Caucasus", became the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death in 1837. Lermontov is considered the supreme poet of Russian literature alongside Pushkin and the greatest figure in Russian Romanticism. His most important novel is "A Hero of Our Time".
- - -
Here is the poem by Lermontov known by heart to all schoolchildren of Russia and the USSR:
Белеет парус одинокий
В тумане моря голубом!..
Что ищет он в стране далекой?
Что кинул он в краю родном?..
Играют волны — ветер свищет,
И мачта гнется и скрыпит...
Увы! он счастия не ищет,
И не от счастия бежит!
Под ним струя светлей лазури,
Над ним луч солнца золотой...
А он, мятежный, просит бури,
Как будто в бурях есть покой!
The Sail
The sail is whitening alone
In blue obscurity of sea:
What did it leave in country own?
What does it want so far to see.
The wind is strong, the mast is creaking,
The wave is playing with the wave ...
But not a fortune is it seeking,
Nor from this fortune is its way.
By it a stream is bright as azure,
By beams of sun it's warmed and blessed
But it is seeking gales as treasure,
As if the tempests give a rest.
(Translated from Russian by Yevgeny Bonver, 1990.)
Nii üksi siniudus loovib
üks puri merel avaral.
Mis ta küll võõrsilt leida soovib?
Mis kodumaal jäi maha tal?
Mast naksub, paindub, tuul on kähe,
laev läbi tõttab vahus veest.
Ah, õnne püüdma ta ei lähe,
ja ta ei page õnne eest.
Ta peal on taeva puhas vine,
all taevast heledamad veed; -
kuid torme ihkab mässuline,
just nagu rahu tooksid need!
(Tlk. August Sang)
Mihhail Lermontov.
Михаил Лермонтов.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov (1814 – 1841), a Russian Romantic writer, poet and painter, sometimes called "the poet of the Caucasus", became the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death in 1837. Lermontov is considered the supreme poet of Russian literature alongside Pushkin and the greatest figure in Russian Romanticism. His most important novel is "A Hero of Our Time".
- - -
Here is the poem by Lermontov known by heart to all schoolchildren of Russia and the USSR:
Белеет парус одинокий
В тумане моря голубом!..
Что ищет он в стране далекой?
Что кинул он в краю родном?..
Играют волны — ветер свищет,
И мачта гнется и скрыпит...
Увы! он счастия не ищет,
И не от счастия бежит!
Под ним струя светлей лазури,
Над ним луч солнца золотой...
А он, мятежный, просит бури,
Как будто в бурях есть покой!
The Sail
The sail is whitening alone
In blue obscurity of sea:
What did it leave in country own?
What does it want so far to see.
The wind is strong, the mast is creaking,
The wave is playing with the wave ...
But not a fortune is it seeking,
Nor from this fortune is its way.
By it a stream is bright as azure,
By beams of sun it's warmed and blessed
But it is seeking gales as treasure,
As if the tempests give a rest.
(Translated from Russian by Yevgeny Bonver, 1990.)
Nii üksi siniudus loovib
üks puri merel avaral.
Mis ta küll võõrsilt leida soovib?
Mis kodumaal jäi maha tal?
Mast naksub, paindub, tuul on kähe,
laev läbi tõttab vahus veest.
Ah, õnne püüdma ta ei lähe,
ja ta ei page õnne eest.
Ta peal on taeva puhas vine,
all taevast heledamad veed; -
kuid torme ihkab mässuline,
just nagu rahu tooksid need!
(Tlk. August Sang)
21 January 2012
"Shashlik" - Old Tbilisi - 3.
* Postcard from set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.
My collection.
* Postcard from set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.
My collection.
20 January 2012
"Bleaching Cloth"
"Bleaching Cloth" (1917) / Zinaida Serebriakova (1885 - 1967) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Kanga pleegitamine" (1917) / Zinaida Serebrjakova / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Беление холста" (1917) / Зинаида Серебрякова (1885 - 1967) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Zinaida Serebriakova (née Lanceray) was among the first female Russian painters of distinction. She belonged to the artistic Benois family. Her grandfather, Nicholas Benois, was a famous architect, chairman of the Society of Architects and member of the Russian Academy of Science. Her uncle, Alexandre Benois, was a famous painter, founder of the Mir iskusstva art group. Her father, Yevgeny Nikolayevich Lanceray, was a well-known sculptor, and her mother, who was Alexandre Benois' sister, was good at drawing. One of Zinaida's brothers, Nikolay Yevgenyevich Lanceray, was a talented architect, and her other brother, Yevgeny Yevgenyevich Lanceray, had an important place in Russian and Soviet art as a master of monumental painting and graphic art. The Russian-English actor and writer Peter Ustinov was also related to her. Zinaida Serebriakova died in Paris on September 19, 1967, at the age of 82. She is buried in Paris, at the Russian cemetery at Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois. - Wikipedia.
* The most important of her works was "Bleaching Cloth", which revealed Zinaida Serebriakova's striking talent as a monumental artist. This work (141,8x173,6) is like a hymn to peasant labour.
"Kanga pleegitamine" (1917) / Zinaida Serebrjakova / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Беление холста" (1917) / Зинаида Серебрякова (1885 - 1967) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Zinaida Serebriakova (née Lanceray) was among the first female Russian painters of distinction. She belonged to the artistic Benois family. Her grandfather, Nicholas Benois, was a famous architect, chairman of the Society of Architects and member of the Russian Academy of Science. Her uncle, Alexandre Benois, was a famous painter, founder of the Mir iskusstva art group. Her father, Yevgeny Nikolayevich Lanceray, was a well-known sculptor, and her mother, who was Alexandre Benois' sister, was good at drawing. One of Zinaida's brothers, Nikolay Yevgenyevich Lanceray, was a talented architect, and her other brother, Yevgeny Yevgenyevich Lanceray, had an important place in Russian and Soviet art as a master of monumental painting and graphic art. The Russian-English actor and writer Peter Ustinov was also related to her. Zinaida Serebriakova died in Paris on September 19, 1967, at the age of 82. She is buried in Paris, at the Russian cemetery at Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois. - Wikipedia.
* The most important of her works was "Bleaching Cloth", which revealed Zinaida Serebriakova's striking talent as a monumental artist. This work (141,8x173,6) is like a hymn to peasant labour.
18 January 2012
"In 1812". Russia
"Episode of the war of 1812" (1874) / Illarion Pryanishnikov (1840 - 1894) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"1812. aastal" / I. Prjanišnikov / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"В 1812 году" (1874) / Иллариoн Прянишников (1840 - 1894) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Illarion Pryanishnikov was a Russian painter, one of the founders of the Peredvizhniki artistic cooperative.
* The French invasion of Russia of 1812 (also known as the Patriotic War of 1812, Russian: Отечественная война 1812 года) was a turning point in the Napoleonic Wars.... A saying arose that the Generals Janvier and Fevrier (January and February) defeated Napoleon, alluding to the Russian Winter. ... Napoleon's invasion of Russia is listed among the most lethal military operations in world history. - Wikipedia.
"1812. aastal" / I. Prjanišnikov / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"В 1812 году" (1874) / Иллариoн Прянишников (1840 - 1894) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Illarion Pryanishnikov was a Russian painter, one of the founders of the Peredvizhniki artistic cooperative.
* The French invasion of Russia of 1812 (also known as the Patriotic War of 1812, Russian: Отечественная война 1812 года) was a turning point in the Napoleonic Wars.... A saying arose that the Generals Janvier and Fevrier (January and February) defeated Napoleon, alluding to the Russian Winter. ... Napoleon's invasion of Russia is listed among the most lethal military operations in world history. - Wikipedia.
16 January 2012
The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) - 4.
15 January 2012
"Gifts" - Old Tbilisi - 2.
* Postcard from set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.
My collection.
* Postcard from set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.
My collection.
14 January 2012
The first anniversary
Today is the first anniversary of this blog.
Postcard /by V. Chetverikov/, USSR, 1982.
My collection.
"The Confession"
"The Explanation" ("The Confession") (1889 - 1891) / Vladimir Makovsky (1846 - 1920) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Armuavaldus" / Vladimir Makovski / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Объяснение" (1889-91 гг) / Владимир Маковский (1846-1920) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
See also: Vladimir Makovsky "Nighttime".
"Armuavaldus" / Vladimir Makovski / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Объяснение" (1889-91 гг) / Владимир Маковский (1846-1920) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
See also: Vladimir Makovsky "Nighttime".
13 January 2012
Prague Castle (Pražský hrad)
Prague Castle (Pražský hrad).
Praha kindlus.
Пражский Град.
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
* Prague Castle (Pražský hrad) is a castle in Prague where the Kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman Emperors and presidents of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic have had their offices. The Czech Crown Jewels are kept here. Prague Castle is the biggest castle in the world (according to Guinness Book of Records the biggest ancient castle) at about 570 metres in length and an average of about 130 metres wide. - Wikipedia.
Praha kindlus.
Пражский Град.
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
* Prague Castle (Pražský hrad) is a castle in Prague where the Kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman Emperors and presidents of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic have had their offices. The Czech Crown Jewels are kept here. Prague Castle is the biggest castle in the world (according to Guinness Book of Records the biggest ancient castle) at about 570 metres in length and an average of about 130 metres wide. - Wikipedia.
11 January 2012
"Barge Haulers on the Volga"
"Barge Haulers on the Volga" (1873) / Ilya Repin / State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.
"Burlakid Volgal" (1873) / Ilja Repin / Riiklik Vene Muuseum, Peterburi.
"Бурлаки на Волге" / Илья Репин / Государственный Русский музей, Санкт-Петербург.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* "Barge Haulers on the Volga" or "Burlaki" depicts 11 labouring men dragging a barge on the Volga River. The men seem to almost collapse forward in exhaustion under the burden of hauling a large boat upstream in heavy, hot weather.
* Ilya Repin in this blog.
"Burlakid Volgal" (1873) / Ilja Repin / Riiklik Vene Muuseum, Peterburi.
"Бурлаки на Волге" / Илья Репин / Государственный Русский музей, Санкт-Петербург.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* "Barge Haulers on the Volga" or "Burlaki" depicts 11 labouring men dragging a barge on the Volga River. The men seem to almost collapse forward in exhaustion under the burden of hauling a large boat upstream in heavy, hot weather.
* Ilya Repin in this blog.
9 January 2012
Lviv. Ukraine. 1974 - 4.
Lviv. Museum of Old Arms (former City Arsenal).
Lvov. Vanade relvade muuseum (endine Lvovi Arsenal).
Львов. Музей старинного оружия (бывший городской арсенал).
Chapel of the Boims, architectural monument of the 17th century.
Boimi perekonna kabel. 17. saj.
Часовня Боимов - памятник архитектуры XXVII в.
Adam Mickiewicz Square.
Adam Mickiewiczi väljak.
Площадь Адама Мицкевича.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
* The Chapel of Boim family was built between 1609 and 1615; then the chapel was originally located in what used to be the city's main cemetery. Founded by mighty merchants, Jerzy Boim and his wife Jadwiga Niżniowska, the Boim chapel was finished by their son, Paweł Jerzy Boim. Attributed to Andrzej Bemer, the chapel is among the prime examples of mannerist architecture in Central Europe. It bears strong resemblance to the Sigismund's Chapel at the Wawel Cathedral in Kraków. - Wikipedia.
* Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (1798 – 1855) was a Polish (Polish-Lithuanian) poet, publisher and political writer of the Romantic period.
Lvov. Vanade relvade muuseum (endine Lvovi Arsenal).
Львов. Музей старинного оружия (бывший городской арсенал).
Chapel of the Boims, architectural monument of the 17th century.
Boimi perekonna kabel. 17. saj.
Часовня Боимов - памятник архитектуры XXVII в.
Adam Mickiewicz Square.
Adam Mickiewiczi väljak.
Площадь Адама Мицкевича.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
* The Chapel of Boim family was built between 1609 and 1615; then the chapel was originally located in what used to be the city's main cemetery. Founded by mighty merchants, Jerzy Boim and his wife Jadwiga Niżniowska, the Boim chapel was finished by their son, Paweł Jerzy Boim. Attributed to Andrzej Bemer, the chapel is among the prime examples of mannerist architecture in Central Europe. It bears strong resemblance to the Sigismund's Chapel at the Wawel Cathedral in Kraków. - Wikipedia.
* Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (1798 – 1855) was a Polish (Polish-Lithuanian) poet, publisher and political writer of the Romantic period.
7 January 2012
"Hey, buy this water-melon!" - Old Tbilisi - 1.
"Hey, buy this water-melon!"
"Näe, osta hea arbuus!"
"Вот, хороший арбуз!"
* Postcard from set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.
My collection.
"Näe, osta hea arbuus!"
"Вот, хороший арбуз!"
* Postcard from set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.
My collection.
5 January 2012
"Rival Ladies"
"Rival Ladies" (1890) / Nikolay Kasatkin / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Rivaalid" (1890) / Nikolai Kassatkin / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Соперницы" (1890) / Николай Касаткин (1859 - 1930) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
"Rivaalid" (1890) / Nikolai Kassatkin / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Соперницы" (1890) / Николай Касаткин (1859 - 1930) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
3 January 2012
The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) - 3.
1 January 2012
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