29 February 2012

"The Turnip"

The turnip grew sweet, firm, and bigger than big. Grandpa tried to pull it out, but pull as he might, the turnip wouldn't budge. / Illustration by I. A. Kuznetsov to the Russian fairy tale "The Turnip".

Naeris kasvas magusaks, tugevaks ja väga-väga suureks. Taat läks naerist välja tõmbama, tõmbab-tõmbab, aga välja tõmmata ei jaksa. / I. Kuznetsovi illustratsioon vene muinasjutule "Naeris".

Выросла репка сладка, крепка, большая-пребольшая. Пошел дед репку рвать, тянет-потянет, вытянуть не может. /Иллюстрация худ. И. А. Кузнецова к русской сказке "Репка".

Postcard, 1956.
My collection.

* Russian fairy tale "The Turnip".

28 February 2012

Minsk. Belarus. 1974 - 2.

Minsk. 1. The House of Officers. 2. "Yubileinaya" Hotel. 3. Monument to the liberators of the city.

Minsk. 1. Ohvitseride maja. 2. Hotell "Jubileinaja". 3. Minski vabastajate monument.

Минск. 1. Окружной Дом офицеров. 2. Гостиница "Юбилейная". 3. Памятник освободителям города Минска.

Minsk. 1. The Museum of Arts of the Byelorussian SSR. 2. Tolbukhin Street.
Minsk. 1. Valgevene NSV Kunstimuuseum. 2. Tolbuhhini tänav.
Минск. 1. Государственный художественный музей БССР. 2. Улица Толбухина.

* Postcards from the set "Minsk", 1974.
My collection.

27 February 2012

Lviv. Ukraine. 1974 - 7.

Lviv. New sports complex belonging to the "Trudovi Rezervi" Sports Society.
Lvov. Spordiühingu "Tööjõureservid" uus spordikompleks.
Львов. Новый спортивный комплекс ДСО "Трудовые резервы".

Trade Union Holiday Home in Bryokhovichi.
Ametiühingute puhkemaja Brjuhhovitši asulas. 
Дом отдыха профсоюзов в поселке Брюховичах.

Grotto with lions on the Visoky Zamok (High Castle) Hill.
Grott lõvidega Võsoki Zamoki mäel.
Грот со львами на горе Высокий Замок.

Postcards, 1974.
My collection.

26 February 2012

"Charcoal dealer" - Old Tbilisi - 8.

"Charcoal dealer".

* From set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.

My collection.

25 February 2012

"Reindeer Herders"

"Reindeer Herders" / Vladimir Igoschev (1921 - 2007).
"Põdrakasvatajad" / Vladimir Igošev.
"Cтойбище оленеводов" / В. Игошев.

Postcard, 1956.
My collection.

23 February 2012

"Masha and the Bear"

Little Mary went to the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. As she wondered around, she came upon a cabin belonging to a bear. / Artist: T. Sazonova.

Maša läks metsa seenele ja eksis ära. Kõndis mööda metsa ja jõudis metsamajakese juurde, milles elas karu. / Kunstnik: T. Sazonova.

Пошла Маша в лес за грибами и заблудилась. Ходила, ходила она по лесу и пришла к лесной избушке, в которой жил медведь. / Художник Т. Сазонова.

Little Mary had to stay and live with the bear. She wanted to go back home and started thinking how to escape from him. / Artist: T. Sazonova.

Maša jäi karu juurde elama. Ta tahtis koju tagasi ja hakkas mõtlema, kuidas karu juurest põgeneda. / T. Sazonova.

Стала Маша жить у медведя. Захотелось ей домой. Стала она думать, как бы ей от медведя убежать? / Художник Т. Сазонова.

Postcards, 1955.
My collection.

* Masha = Little Mary
Russian fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

22 February 2012

"Don Quijote"

"Don Quijote" (1965) / István Eigel  (1922 - 2000) / Hungary. / Privately owned.
"Don Quijote" / István Eigel / Ungari / Maal asub erakogus.
"Дон Кихот" / Иштван Эйгель / Венгрия / Частная собственность.

Postcard, 1980s (?)
My collection.

21 February 2012

"In the Village Library"

"In the Village Library" (1954) / Irina Shevandronova (1928 - 1993).
"Külaraamatukogus (lugejad)" (1954) / Irina Ševandronova.
"В сельской библиотеке (читатели)" / И. Шевандронова.

Postcard, 1955.
My collection.

* Irina Shevandronova (1928 - 1993) is considered an honored Artist of Russia. Her works can be found in many museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.

20 February 2012

"Low Marks Again!"

"Another "F"!" ("Low Marks Again!", 1952) / Fyodor Reshetnikov (1906 - 1988) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.

"Jälle kaks!" (1952) / Fjodor Rešetnikov (1906 - 1988) / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.

"Опять двойка!" (1952) /  Фёдор Решетников / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.

Postcard, 1956.
My collection.

* Fyodor Reshetnikov (1906 - 1988) was a prominent Soviet painter. A preeminent practitioner of "socialist realism", Reshetnikov was recognized by the government for his work and was a member for three and a half decades of the Soviet Academy of Arts.

18 February 2012

"Organ-grinder" - Old Tbilisi - 7.

"Кинто шарманщик".

* From set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.

My collection.

17 February 2012

Teberda-Dombai - 3.

<<< <<Day and night.
Päev ja öö.
День и ночь.

1. Alibek waterfall. 2. Amanauz. >>>>>

1. Alibeki kosk. 2. Amanauzi kurus.

1. Алибекский водопад. 2. Аманауз.

* Postcards from the set "Teberda Dombai", 1973.

* Postkaardikomplektist "Teberda Dombai", 1973.

* Открытки из комплекта "Теберда-Домбай", 1973.

My collection.

16 February 2012

The Estonian Maritime Museum - 3.

The "Azov", a Russian battleship from the beginning of the 19th century. Model by captain H. Tõnissoo.

Vene sõjalaevastiku lahingulaev "Azov" (19. saj algus). Mudeli valmistas kapten H. Tõnissoo.

Линкор "Азов" российского военного флота начала XIX в. Автор модели капитан Х. Тыниссоо.

The "Cutty Sark", a clipper, built in England in 1869. In 1885 the "Cutty Sark" sailed from Australia to Great Britain in 67 days, this being the world record at that time. Model by captain H. Tõnissoo.

Klipper "Cutty Sark", ehitatud 1869. a Inglismaal. See purjelaev sooritas 1885. a kiireima reisi maailmas (67 päevaga) Austraaliast Inglismaale. Mudeli valmistas kapten H. Tõnissoo.

Клиппер "Катти Сарк" построен в 1869 г. в Англии. В 1885 г. парусник "Катти Сарк" совершил самый быстрый по тем временам рейс из Австралии в Англию (за 67 суток). Автор модели капитан Х. Тыниссоо.

* Postcard from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
* Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
* Открыткa из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.

My collection.

14 February 2012

"And the old woman..."

"And the old woman poured the batter onto his bald spot. The result was a sight to behold! It took three days of bathing to finally get the old man cleaned up."
Illustration to the Russian fairy tale "Three sons-in-law". / Artist: I. A. Kuznetsov.

* In this fairy tale, the old man's daughters were wed off to the Moon, the Sun, and the Wind. The Sun could use the top of his head to cook pancakes, and after visiting the young couple, the old simpleton tried to imitate the feat.

"Vanaeit valas talle tainast kiilaspähe. Oh, mis siis juhtus! Kolm päeva pesti vanameest saunas, enne kui puhtaks saadi."
Vene muinasjutu "Kolm väimeest" illustratsioon. / I. Kuznetsov.

"Налила ему старуха теста на лысину. Что тут было, что тут делалось! Три дня старика в бане отмывали, насилу отмыли."
Иллюстрация к русской народной сказке "Три зятя". / Художник И. А. Кузнецов.

Postcard, 1955.
My collection.

12 February 2012

"Citizen" - Old Tbilisi - 6.

"Citizen of old Tbilisi".
"Vana Tbilisi elanik".
"Житель старого Тбилиси".

* From set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.

My collection.

10 February 2012

Minsk. Belarus. 1974 - 1.

Minsk. 1. Monument to Lenin (Sculptor: M. Manizer). 2. Lenin Avenue. 3. The House-Museum, where the 1st Congress of the RSDLP was held.
Minsk. 1. Lenini mälestussammas. 2. Lenini prospekt. 3. Maja-muuseum, milles peeti Valgevene Sotsiaaldemokraatliku partei I kongress.
Минск. 1. Памятник В. И. Ленину (скульптор М. Манизер). 2. Ленинский проспект. 3. Дом-музей I съезда РСДРП.

Minsk. 1. The TV Centre. 2. Lenin Avenue.
Minsk. 1. Televisioonistuudio. 2. Lenini prospekt.
Минск. 1. Студия телевидения. 2. На Ленинском проспекте.

Postcards from the set "Minsk", 1974.
(<<<House of Government.)

My collection.

* Minsk is the capital and largest city in Belarus. 

8 February 2012

Lviv. Ukraine. 1974 - 6.

Lviv. Shcherbakov Street.
Lvov. A. Štšerbakovi tänav.
Львов. На улице А. С. Щербакова.

<<< Pidvalna Street. In the background is Kornyakt's Tower, architectural monument of the 16th century. 

* The Kornyakt's tower was built as a bell tower of Assumption Church. Built by design plan of architect Barbon with the participation of Pavel Rimlyanin in 1572-1578 years on funds of Constantine Kornyakt merchant. The tower's height is 65 meters.

Podvalnaja tänav, tagaplaanil Kornjakti torn (16. saj).

Уголок улицы Подвальной. На втором плане - башня Корнякта (XVI в).

Panorama of the city's old section.
Vaade vanalinnale.
Панорама старой части города.

Postcards, 1974.
My collection.

6 February 2012

The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) - 6.

The building of the Baikal-Amur Mainline ( (1974)
BAM-i ehitusel.
Cтроительство БАМа.

BAM. Sunrise (1974). >>>>
BAM. Päikesetõus.
БАМ. Восход.

Postcards, 1976.
From the set "BAM - the track of courage and heroism".
My collection.

5 February 2012

"Kintouri" - Old Tbilisi - 5.

The dance "Kintouri".
Georgia/Gruusia rahvatants "Kintouri".
Танец "Кинтоури".

* From set "Old Tbilisi", artist M. Khubashvili, 1976.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vana Tbilisi".
* Из комплекта "Старый Тбилиси", худ. М. Хубашвили, изд. "Хеловнеба", 1976.

My collection.

3 February 2012

The Estonian Maritime Museum - 2.

The "Santa Maria", a carrack, the flagship of Christopher Columbus' expedition in 1492. Model by captain H. Tõnissoo.

Karakk "Santa Maria", Christoph Kolumbuse ekspeditsiooni lipulaev 1492. a. Mudeli valmistas kapten H. Tõnissoo.

Каравелла Санта Мария, флагманское судно экспедиции Христофора Колумба в 1492 г. Автор модели капитан Х. Тыниссоо.

The viking ship was the main type of vessel used by Scandinavians as well as by the peoples living on the Baltic, Estonians included, from the end of the 8th until the middle of the 11th century. Model by captain H. Tõnissoo.

Viikingilaev oli Skandinaavia ja Läänemere rahvastel (ka eestlastel) peamine aevatüüp 8. saj lõpust 11. saj keskpaigani. Mudeli valmistas kapten H. Tõnissoo.

Корабль викингов - основной тип корабля у скандинавов и народов, проживавших на берегах Балтийского моря с конца  VIII до середины XI в. Автор модели капитан Х. Тыниссoo.

Postcards from the set "Maritime Museum", 1979. / Photo: G. German.
Postkaardikomplektist "Meremuuseum", 1979. / G. Germani fotod.
Открытки из комплекта "Морской музей", 1979.

My collection.

1 February 2012

Teberda-Dombai - 2.

Peak Ine (3455). Dombai. Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia.
Dombai. Ine mäetipp.
Домбай. Пик Инэ (3455 м)

Postcard from the set "Teberda Dombai", 1973.
Postkaardikomplektist "Teberda Dombai", 1973.
Открытка из комплекта "Теберда-Домбай", 1973.

My collection.