24 December 2012

Christmas and New Year. Greeting cards. Estonia.

Christmas and New Year.
Postcards (photos), 1950s.
My collection.

* In the 1950s-60s, when celebration of Christmas was officially prohibited in the Soviet Union and there were no Christmas cards available, Estonians often photographed vintage Christmas cards and used these photos to send their holiday greetings. As the card motifs were also suitable for New Year's greetings, these photo cards cleverly served a dual purpose and their connection to Christmas could always be denied.

* Nõukogude võimu aastatel, mil jõulude tähistamine oli NSV Liidus ametlikult keelatud ja jõulukaarte polnud saadaval, pildistasid eestlased sageli vanu jõulukaarte maha ja saatsid oma pühadesoove nendega. Et kaartidel kujutatu sobis ka nääripühadega kokku, oli neil mahapildistatud kaartidel n-ö kahesugune otstarve, samas võis vajaduse korral nende ühendust jõuludega alati maha salata.

* В советское время, когда празднование рождества было запрещено, в Эстонии часто перефотографировали старые 
рождественские открытки. Эти фотографии имели два значения: их можно было посылать на новый год а за одно все понимали, что имелось в виду и рождество.

1 comment:

  1. After see these new year old style greeting cards i learn a lot of things about the greeting cards designing. Nowadays everyone need these kinds of cards to celebrate his friends and someone special.
