"The Baltic Regatta" (1952) / Eduards Kalniņš (Eduard Kalnynsh; 1904-1988) / Latvia.
"Balti regatt" / Eduards Kalniņš / Läti.
"Балтийская регата" (1952) / Эдуард Калныньш (Калнынь; 1904-1988) / Латвия.
Postcard, 1954.
My collection.
* Эдуард Волдемар Калныньш (Калнынь, латыш. Eduards Kalniņš; 12 /25/ октября 1904, Рига - 18 мая 1988, Рига) -советский и латвийский художник.
28 February 2014
26 February 2014
Sculptor Tamara Ditman
Studio / Tamara Ditman (1945-2003) / Estonia
Stuudio / Tamara Ditman.
Cкульптор Тамара Дитман / Эстония.
Postcards, 1989.
My collection.
* Tamara Ditman (9. aug 1945 - 4. aug 2003) oli Eesti skulptor. Sündinud Venemaal Habarovskis, lõpetanud Tallinna 32. kk ja Eesti Kunstiinstituudi. Olnud keskkooli kunstiõpetaja ja spordiühingu Kalev kunstnik. 1985. aastast oli vabakutseline. Andekas ja tundlik kujur.
24 February 2014
Great Coastal Gate and Fat Margaret Tower. Tallinn. Estonia
"Tallinn. Great Coastal Gate and Fat Margaret Tower" / Märt Bormeister (1916-1991) / Estonia.
"Tallinn. Rannavärav ja Paks Margareeta" / Märt Bormeister.
"Таллинн. Большие морские ворота и Толстая Маргарита"/ Мярт Бормейстер (1916-1991) / Эстония.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* The Great Coastal Gate - the gate system on Pikk street originated in the 1300s, but it was during reconstruction in the early 16th century that the Fat Margaret cannon tower was added. Built from 1511 to 1530, this hefty, round tower has a diameter of 25 metres, a height of about 20 metres, and walls up to 5 metres thick. The origins of Fat Margaret's name are a mystery. Some theories insist it was named for one of its larger cannons, while others hint at a cook called Margaret who once worked here. In any case, the tower has served a number of different functions throughout its history. It has been used a storehouse for gunpowder and weapons, and as a prison. Now it's home to the Estonian Maritime Museum. - http://www.tourism.tallinn.ee
"Tallinn. Rannavärav ja Paks Margareeta" / Märt Bormeister.
"Таллинн. Большие морские ворота и Толстая Маргарита"/ Мярт Бормейстер (1916-1991) / Эстония.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* The Great Coastal Gate - the gate system on Pikk street originated in the 1300s, but it was during reconstruction in the early 16th century that the Fat Margaret cannon tower was added. Built from 1511 to 1530, this hefty, round tower has a diameter of 25 metres, a height of about 20 metres, and walls up to 5 metres thick. The origins of Fat Margaret's name are a mystery. Some theories insist it was named for one of its larger cannons, while others hint at a cook called Margaret who once worked here. In any case, the tower has served a number of different functions throughout its history. It has been used a storehouse for gunpowder and weapons, and as a prison. Now it's home to the Estonian Maritime Museum. - http://www.tourism.tallinn.ee
23 February 2014
Soviet Army Day. Art lacquer painting
Soviet Army Day. Greeting card. / B. Kukuliyev / Art lacquer painting. Palekh, Russia.
Nõukogude Armee aastapäevaks / B. Kukulijev / Lakkmaal, Palehh, Venemaa.
Слава Советской Армии! / Б. Кукулиев / Палех.
Postcard, 1983.
My collection.
* Soviet Army Day was a holiday every February 23 in the Soviet Union from 1945 until its breakup.
Nõukogude Armee aastapäevaks / B. Kukulijev / Lakkmaal, Palehh, Venemaa.
Слава Советской Армии! / Б. Кукулиев / Палех.
Postcard, 1983.
My collection.
* Soviet Army Day was a holiday every February 23 in the Soviet Union from 1945 until its breakup.
22 February 2014
"A Letter From the Front"
"A Letter From the Front" (1947) / Aleksandr Laktionov (1910-1972) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Kiri rindelt" (1947) / Aleksandr Laktionov (1910-1972) / Tretjakovi Galerii, Moskva.
"Письмо с фронта" (1947) / Александр Лактионов (1910-1972) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Aleksandr Laktionov (16 May 1910 - 15 March 1972) was a Socialist realism painter in the post-war Soviet Union. Laktionov’s breakthrough work was "A Letter From the Front", which captured the prevailing mood among the people of the Soviet Union following the German-Soviet War. It is a highly optimistic work, bathed in a warm glow, and is characteristic of the conflictlessness, which became a motif of Laktionov’s later works and Socialist Realism in general.- Wikipedia.
* Aleksandr Laktionovi "Kiri rindelt" kujutab aega Suure Isamaasõja lõpul, mil Nõukogude sõdurite kirjad rindelt juba rõõmustavateks muutusid. Seda koduste rõõmu Laktionov näitaski.
* Александр Лактионов (1910-1972) - русский советский живописец и график. Народный художник РСФСР (1969). Академик АХ СССР (1958).
"Kiri rindelt" (1947) / Aleksandr Laktionov (1910-1972) / Tretjakovi Galerii, Moskva.
"Письмо с фронта" (1947) / Александр Лактионов (1910-1972) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Aleksandr Laktionov (16 May 1910 - 15 March 1972) was a Socialist realism painter in the post-war Soviet Union. Laktionov’s breakthrough work was "A Letter From the Front", which captured the prevailing mood among the people of the Soviet Union following the German-Soviet War. It is a highly optimistic work, bathed in a warm glow, and is characteristic of the conflictlessness, which became a motif of Laktionov’s later works and Socialist Realism in general.- Wikipedia.
* Aleksandr Laktionovi "Kiri rindelt" kujutab aega Suure Isamaasõja lõpul, mil Nõukogude sõdurite kirjad rindelt juba rõõmustavateks muutusid. Seda koduste rõõmu Laktionov näitaski.
* Александр Лактионов (1910-1972) - русский советский живописец и график. Народный художник РСФСР (1969). Академик АХ СССР (1958).
21 February 2014
The Swallow's Nest. Crimea. Ukraine
The Swallow's Nest. Crimea. Ukraine.
Pääsukese pesa. Krimm. Ukraina.
Ласточкино гнездо. Крым. Украина.
Postcard, 1985.
My collection.
* The Swallow's Nest (1912) is one of the most popular visitor attractions in the Crimea near Yalta, becoming the symbol of the Crimea's southern coastline. - Wikipedia.
Pääsukese pesa. Krimm. Ukraina.
Ласточкино гнездо. Крым. Украина.
Postcard, 1985.
My collection.
* The Swallow's Nest (1912) is one of the most popular visitor attractions in the Crimea near Yalta, becoming the symbol of the Crimea's southern coastline. - Wikipedia.
20 February 2014
Vladimir Makovsky "Date"
"Date" (1883) / Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Kohtumine" / Vladimir Makovski / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Свидание" (1883) / Владимир Маковский (1846-1920) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
Stamp, 1971. USSR.
See also:
Vladimir Makovsky "Nighttime".
Vladimir Makovsky "The Confession".
"Kohtumine" / Vladimir Makovski / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Свидание" (1883) / Владимир Маковский (1846-1920) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
Stamp, 1971. USSR.
See also:
Vladimir Makovsky "Nighttime".
Vladimir Makovsky "The Confession".
19 February 2014
“They Did Not Expect Him”
“They Did Not Expect Him” ("The Unexpected Return", 1884-1888) / Ilya Repin / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Ei oodatud" / Ilja Repin / Tretjakovi Galerii, Moskva.
"Не ждали" (1884-1888) / Илья Репин / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* "The Unexpected Return" shows the unexpected homecoming of a Russian revolutionary from a forced settlement in Siberia. The older boy recognizes his father almost immediately, while the younger sister, too young to remember him, looks frightened.
Ilya Repin in this blog.
"Ei oodatud" / Ilja Repin / Tretjakovi Galerii, Moskva.
"Не ждали" (1884-1888) / Илья Репин / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* "The Unexpected Return" shows the unexpected homecoming of a Russian revolutionary from a forced settlement in Siberia. The older boy recognizes his father almost immediately, while the younger sister, too young to remember him, looks frightened.
Ilya Repin in this blog.
18 February 2014
"On the Road. The Death of a Resettler"
"On the Road. The Death of a Resettler" (1889) / Sergey Ivanov (1864-1910) / The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
"Teel. Ümberasuja surm" / Sergei Ivanov / Tretjakovi Galerii, Moskva.
"В дороге. Смерть переселенца" (1889) / Сергей Иванов (1864-1910) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Sergey Ivanov (1864-1910) was a Russian painter and graphic artist. He was a member of peredvizhniki ("the Wanderers"). Most of his paintings were on topics taken from the history of Russia, peasant life, and the Russian Revolution of 1905. - Wikipedia.
* Sergei Ivanov (1864-1910) oli vene maalikunstnik, kelle loomingus on palju teoseid Venemaal 1880ndate aastate teisel poolel alanud ümberasumisest Siberisse, kus talupojad lootsid saada maad. Teekond oli pikk, kõik ei jõudnud kohale, vaid surid minekuraskuste ja haiguste tõttu - see ongi siinse maali teema.
* Сергей Иванов - русский живописец. Во второй половине 1880-х годов началось переселение в Сибирь. В картинах и рисунках Иванова предстают ужасающие сцены переселенческой жизни. Надежда и отчаяние, болезни и смерть рядом с людьми, странствующими по просторам России. Первая серьёзная картина художника "В дороге. Смерть переселенца" принёс молодому художнику известность. - Wikipedia.
"Teel. Ümberasuja surm" / Sergei Ivanov / Tretjakovi Galerii, Moskva.
"В дороге. Смерть переселенца" (1889) / Сергей Иванов (1864-1910) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Sergey Ivanov (1864-1910) was a Russian painter and graphic artist. He was a member of peredvizhniki ("the Wanderers"). Most of his paintings were on topics taken from the history of Russia, peasant life, and the Russian Revolution of 1905. - Wikipedia.
* Sergei Ivanov (1864-1910) oli vene maalikunstnik, kelle loomingus on palju teoseid Venemaal 1880ndate aastate teisel poolel alanud ümberasumisest Siberisse, kus talupojad lootsid saada maad. Teekond oli pikk, kõik ei jõudnud kohale, vaid surid minekuraskuste ja haiguste tõttu - see ongi siinse maali teema.
* Сергей Иванов - русский живописец. Во второй половине 1880-х годов началось переселение в Сибирь. В картинах и рисунках Иванова предстают ужасающие сцены переселенческой жизни. Надежда и отчаяние, болезни и смерть рядом с людьми, странствующими по просторам России. Первая серьёзная картина художника "В дороге. Смерть переселенца" принёс молодому художнику известность. - Wikipedia.
17 February 2014
A Soviet Painter in Paris. 1974 - 24.
Paris. The Place de la Bastille. / Nikolai Dolgorukov (1902-1980).
Paris. La manifestation sur la Place de la Bastille. / Nikolai Dolgorukov (1902-1980).
Pariis. Demonstratsioon Bastille'i väljakul. / Nikolai Dolgorukov.
Париж. Демонстрация на площади Бастилии. / Николай Долгоруков (1902-1980).

Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* From the set "Paris".
* Postkaardikogumikust "Pariis".
* Из набора открыток "Париж".
16 February 2014
Sochi. Russia. 1981
Sochi. Zhemchuzhina Hotel.
Sotši. Hotell "Žemtšužina" ("Pärl")
Сочи. Отель "Жемчужина".
Postcard, 1981.
My collection.
* Zhemchuzina = Pearl.
Sotši. Hotell "Žemtšužina" ("Pärl")
Сочи. Отель "Жемчужина".
Postcard, 1981.
My collection.
* Zhemchuzina = Pearl.
15 February 2014
"The Dentist"
"The Dentist" / David Teniers the Younger (1610-1690) / Dresden, Old Masters Gallery.
"Hambaarst" / David Teniers noorem (1610-1690) / Dresdeni Galerii.
"Зубной врач" / Давид Тенирс Младший (1610-1690) / Голландская школа / Выставка картин Дрезденской галлереи, Германия.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* David Teniers the Younger (15 December 1610 - 25 April 1690) was a Flemish artist born in Antwerp, the son of David Teniers the Elder. His son David Teniers III and his grandson David Teniers IV were also painters. His wife Anna, née Anna Breughel, was the daughter of Jan Brueghel the Elder and the granddaughter of Pieter Bruegel the Elder. - Wikipedia.
* Давид Тенирс Младший (1610-1690) - крупный фламандский жанрист XVII века, писавший картины с изображением сельских праздников и бытовых сцен из жизни народа. - Надпись на открытке.
"Hambaarst" / David Teniers noorem (1610-1690) / Dresdeni Galerii.
"Зубной врач" / Давид Тенирс Младший (1610-1690) / Голландская школа / Выставка картин Дрезденской галлереи, Германия.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* David Teniers the Younger (15 December 1610 - 25 April 1690) was a Flemish artist born in Antwerp, the son of David Teniers the Elder. His son David Teniers III and his grandson David Teniers IV were also painters. His wife Anna, née Anna Breughel, was the daughter of Jan Brueghel the Elder and the granddaughter of Pieter Bruegel the Elder. - Wikipedia.
* Давид Тенирс Младший (1610-1690) - крупный фламандский жанрист XVII века, писавший картины с изображением сельских праздников и бытовых сцен из жизни народа. - Надпись на открытке.
14 February 2014
Irkutsk. Russia. 1979
Irkutsk. Shopping Center. Karl Marx Street.
Irkutsk. Kaubamaja. Karl Marxi tänav.
Иркутск. Торговый комплекс. Улица Карла Маркса.
Postcard, 1979.
My collection.
See also: Irkutsk
Irkutsk. Kaubamaja. Karl Marxi tänav.
Иркутск. Торговый комплекс. Улица Карла Маркса.
Postcard, 1979.
My collection.
See also: Irkutsk
13 February 2014
"Little Bear Fountain"
Little Bear Fountain. Porcelain. / Alexey Sotnikov / Russia.
Portselanist lastepurskkaev karupojaga. / Aleksei Sotnikov.
Детский фонтан с медвежонком, фарфор. / Скульптор А. Г. Сотников.
Postcard, 1957.
My collection.
* Сотников, Алексей Георгиевич (3 октября 1904 - 18 февраля 1989) - скульптор, художник декоративно-прикладного искусства, график.
Portselanist lastepurskkaev karupojaga. / Aleksei Sotnikov.
Детский фонтан с медвежонком, фарфор. / Скульптор А. Г. Сотников.
Postcard, 1957.
My collection.
* Сотников, Алексей Георгиевич (3 октября 1904 - 18 февраля 1989) - скульптор, художник декоративно-прикладного искусства, график.
12 February 2014
"The River Seine"
"The River Seine" (1924) / Ado Vabbe (1892-1961) / State Art Museum of the Estonia. Tallinn.
"Seine'i jõgi" (1924) / Ado Vabbe (1892-1961) / Eesti Riiklik Kunstimuuseum. Tallinn.
"Река Сена" (1924) / Адо Ваббе (1892-1961) / Государственный художественный музей Эстонии. Таллинн.
Postcard, 1976.
My collection.
"Seine'i jõgi" (1924) / Ado Vabbe (1892-1961) / Eesti Riiklik Kunstimuuseum. Tallinn.
"Река Сена" (1924) / Адо Ваббе (1892-1961) / Государственный художественный музей Эстонии. Таллинн.
Postcard, 1976.
My collection.
11 February 2014
Adler Airport. Sochi. Russia. 1981
Adler Airport. Sochi. Russia.
Adleri lennujaam. Sotši.
Аэропорт Адлер. Сочи.
Postcard, 1981.
My collection.
Adleri lennujaam. Sotši.
Аэропорт Адлер. Сочи.
Postcard, 1981.
My collection.
10 February 2014
A Soviet Painter in Paris. 1974 - 23.
Paris. Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad (Place de Stalingrad). / Nikolai Dolgorukov (1902-1980).
Paris. La place de la Bataille de Stalingrad. / Nikolai Dolgorukov (1902-1980).
Pariis. Stalingradi lahingu väljak. / Nikolai Dolgorukov.
Париж. Площадь Сталинградской битвы (Площадь Сталинград). / Николай Долгоруков (1902-1980).
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* From the set "Paris".
* Postkaardikogumikust "Pariis".
* Из набора открыток "Париж".
Paris. La place de la Bataille de Stalingrad. / Nikolai Dolgorukov (1902-1980).
Pariis. Stalingradi lahingu väljak. / Nikolai Dolgorukov.
Париж. Площадь Сталинградской битвы (Площадь Сталинград). / Николай Долгоруков (1902-1980).
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* From the set "Paris".
* Postkaardikogumikust "Pariis".
* Из набора открыток "Париж".
9 February 2014
Moscow. Sivtsev Vrazhek Lane. 1956
"Moscow. Sivtsev Vrazhek Lane" / A. Romodanovskaya.
"Moskva. Sivtsev-Vražeki põiktänav" / A. Romodanovskaja.
Москва. Переулок Сивцев-Вражек. / А. А. Ромодановская.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* Sivtsev Vrazhek is a radial lane in the Central Administrative Okrug of Moscow; it forms the boundary between Arbat and Khamovniki municipal districts
* Переулок Сивцев-Вражек - переулок в Центральном административном округе города Москвы между Гоголевским бульваром и Денежным переулком.
"Moskva. Sivtsev-Vražeki põiktänav" / A. Romodanovskaja.
Москва. Переулок Сивцев-Вражек. / А. А. Ромодановская.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* Sivtsev Vrazhek is a radial lane in the Central Administrative Okrug of Moscow; it forms the boundary between Arbat and Khamovniki municipal districts
* Переулок Сивцев-Вражек - переулок в Центральном административном округе города Москвы между Гоголевским бульваром и Денежным переулком.
Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station. 1981
6 February 2014
"Places that inspired Aksakov"
"Places that inspired Aksakov" (1954) / Vera Orlova (1904-1993) / Russia.
"Aksakovi paikades" (1954) / Vera Orlova.
"В аксаковских местах" (1954)/ Вера Орлова (1904-1993)/ Свердловская областная картинная галерея.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Sergey Aksakov (October 1 [O.S. September 20] 1791 - May 12 [O.S. April 30] 1859) was a 19th-century Russian literary figure remembered for his semi-autobiographical tales of family life, as well as his books on hunting and fishing. His famous fairy tale is "The Scarlet Flower". - Wikipedia.
* Sergei Aksakov (1791-1859) - vene kirjanik, eestlastele tuntud eelkõige kui väga kuulsa muinasjutu "Tulipunane lilleke" (ka "Helepunane lilleke") autor.
* Сергей Аксаков (1791-1859) - русский писатель, государственный чиновник и общественный деятель, литературный и театральный критик, мемуарист, автор книг о рыбалке и охоте, лепидоптеролог, автор сказки "Аленький цветочек".
"Aksakovi paikades" (1954) / Vera Orlova.
"В аксаковских местах" (1954)/ Вера Орлова (1904-1993)/ Свердловская областная картинная галерея.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Sergey Aksakov (October 1 [O.S. September 20] 1791 - May 12 [O.S. April 30] 1859) was a 19th-century Russian literary figure remembered for his semi-autobiographical tales of family life, as well as his books on hunting and fishing. His famous fairy tale is "The Scarlet Flower". - Wikipedia.
* Sergei Aksakov (1791-1859) - vene kirjanik, eestlastele tuntud eelkõige kui väga kuulsa muinasjutu "Tulipunane lilleke" (ka "Helepunane lilleke") autor.
* Сергей Аксаков (1791-1859) - русский писатель, государственный чиновник и общественный деятель, литературный и театральный критик, мемуарист, автор книг о рыбалке и охоте, лепидоптеролог, автор сказки "Аленький цветочек".
5 February 2014
Abramtsevo. "Hut on Chicken Feet"
Abramtsevo. "Hut on Chicken Feet". (The children pavilion is constructed under the project by Victor Vasnetsov in 1883.)
Abramtsevo. "Majake kanajalgadel". (Lastemajakese projekteeris kunstnik Viktor Vasnetsov 1883. a.)
Абрамцево. "Избушка на курьих ножках". (Детская беседка построена по проекту В. М. Васнецова в 1883.)
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* Abramtsevo is an estate located north of Moscow, in the proximity of Khotkovo, that became a center for the Slavophile movement and artistic activity in the 19th century. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abramtsevo_Colony
Vasnetsov's paintings:
"Alionushka". 1956
Abramtsevo. "Majake kanajalgadel". (Lastemajakese projekteeris kunstnik Viktor Vasnetsov 1883. a.)
Абрамцево. "Избушка на курьих ножках". (Детская беседка построена по проекту В. М. Васнецова в 1883.)
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* Abramtsevo is an estate located north of Moscow, in the proximity of Khotkovo, that became a center for the Slavophile movement and artistic activity in the 19th century. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abramtsevo_Colony
Vasnetsov's paintings:
"Alionushka". 1956
4 February 2014
"Lekking Grouse"
"Lekking Grouse" / Alexander Iglin / Russia.
"Tedremäng" / A. Iglin.
"Тетеревиный ток" / А. И. Иглин.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Александр Иванович Иглин (1896-1983). График. Пейзажист.
"Tedremäng" / A. Iglin.
"Тетеревиный ток" / А. И. Иглин.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Александр Иванович Иглин (1896-1983). График. Пейзажист.
2 February 2014
1 February 2014
"Sterlets". Porcelain / P. Kozhin / Russia.
"Sterletid" / P. Kožin.
"Стерляди". Фарфор / П. М. Кожин.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* Павел Михайлович Кожин (04.01.1904-27.12.1975). Скульптор-анималист, работавший в различных керамических материалах, исполнял выставочные произведения и образцы для промышленного производства.
"Sterletid" / P. Kožin.
"Стерляди". Фарфор / П. М. Кожин.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* Павел Михайлович Кожин (04.01.1904-27.12.1975). Скульптор-анималист, работавший в различных керамических материалах, исполнял выставочные произведения и образцы для промышленного производства.
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