Szeged. Chiming clock. Hungary.
Szeged. Mängukell. Ungari.
Сегед. Часы с музыкой. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* One of the specialities of Szeged is the musical clock as a symbol of mediaeval universities built in the wall of the square’s building opposite to the main entrance of the Cathedral. The clock, unique in Hungary is by Ferenc Csúri Szeged clockmaker and its figures are by József Kulai woodcarver. It was in 1936 when for the first time the musical clock played its tunes during the Open Air Festival. -
A chiming clock plays the folk song "Szeged, a famous town" at midday.
Detail from the postcard:
30 September 2014
29 September 2014
Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye. Russia. 1964 - 9.
Voronich - an ancient settlement.
Voronitši linnusemägi.
"...писано бысть... в лето 7333 (1825) на городище Ворониче".
А. С. Пушкин. Из первоначального заглавия трагедии "Борис Годунов".
Городище Воронич, остаток древней русской крепости.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also Pushkin A. S.
Voronitši linnusemägi.
"...писано бысть... в лето 7333 (1825) на городище Ворониче".
А. С. Пушкин. Из первоначального заглавия трагедии "Борис Годунов".
Городище Воронич, остаток древней русской крепости.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.

* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also Pushkin A. S.
27 September 2014
National Park "Shipka-Buzludzha". Bulgaria. 1973
National Park "Shipka-Buzludzha". The stone in honor of Buzludzha Congress, held at the same place in 1891. Bulgaria.
Šipka-Buzludža rahvuspark-muuseum. Mälestuskivi Buzludža kongressile 1891. a. Bulgaaria.
Национальный парк-музей "Шипка-Бузлуджа". Каменный барельеф "Бузлуджанский сЪезд - 1891. г." Болгария.
Postcard, 1973.
My collection.
* The Bulgarian Communist Party began as a Marxist party in the year 1891 at the Congress of Buzludzha. In honor of this history instead of this stone a UFO-like meeting hall and 70-meter tower were constructed on top of the mountain. Finished in 1981, the monument was abandoned following the fall of Communism and has since been vandalized and painted with anti-Communist graffiti.
* Buzludža kongressil, salajasel kohtumisel 1891. a, sai alguse Bulgaaria kommunistlik partei. !970-ndatel aastatel tähistas seda kohta suhteliselt tagasihoidlik mälestuskivi rahvuspargis. Selle asemele püstitati 1981. aastal suurejooneline UFO-sarnane mälestushall koos 70 m kõrguse torniga, mida käisid kohustuslikus korras külastamas nii bulgaarlased ise kui ka riigi külalised. Pärast kommunistliku korra lagunemist on suurejooneline mälestusmärk väga lagunenud ja lagastatud seisus.
Šipka-Buzludža rahvuspark-muuseum. Mälestuskivi Buzludža kongressile 1891. a. Bulgaaria.
Национальный парк-музей "Шипка-Бузлуджа". Каменный барельеф "Бузлуджанский сЪезд - 1891. г." Болгария.
Postcard, 1973.
My collection.
* The Bulgarian Communist Party began as a Marxist party in the year 1891 at the Congress of Buzludzha. In honor of this history instead of this stone a UFO-like meeting hall and 70-meter tower were constructed on top of the mountain. Finished in 1981, the monument was abandoned following the fall of Communism and has since been vandalized and painted with anti-Communist graffiti.
* Buzludža kongressil, salajasel kohtumisel 1891. a, sai alguse Bulgaaria kommunistlik partei. !970-ndatel aastatel tähistas seda kohta suhteliselt tagasihoidlik mälestuskivi rahvuspargis. Selle asemele püstitati 1981. aastal suurejooneline UFO-sarnane mälestushall koos 70 m kõrguse torniga, mida käisid kohustuslikus korras külastamas nii bulgaarlased ise kui ka riigi külalised. Pärast kommunistliku korra lagunemist on suurejooneline mälestusmärk väga lagunenud ja lagastatud seisus.
26 September 2014
Hajdúszoboszló. Hungary. 1974
Hajdúszoboszló. Entrance of the spa. Hungary.
Hajdúszoboszló. Sissepääs randa. Ungari.
Хайдусобосло. Вход на пляж. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
Hajdúszoboszló. Sissepääs randa. Ungari.
Хайдусобосло. Вход на пляж. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
25 September 2014
24 September 2014
Szeged. Hungary. 1974
Szeged. Hungary.
Szeged. Ungari.
Сегед. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the largest city and regional centre of the Southern Great Plain and the county town of Csongrád county. - Wikipedia.
Szeged. Ungari.
Сегед. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the largest city and regional centre of the Southern Great Plain and the county town of Csongrád county. - Wikipedia.
23 September 2014
"Libra. The Zodiac cycle"
"Libra. The Zodiac cycle" (1907) / Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875-1911) / Lithuania.
"Kaalud. Sodiaagimärgid" / Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis / Leedu.
"Весы. Знаки Зодиака" / Микалоюс Константинас Чюрлёнис / Литва.
Postcard, 1971.
My collection.
* Libra (♎) is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac; 23 September - 23 October (2014).
22 September 2014
21 September 2014
Debrecen. Hungary. 1967
Debrecen. Hungary.
Debrecen. Ungari.
Дебрецен. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1967.
My collection.
* Debrecen is the second largest city in Hungary after Budapest. Debrecen is the regional centre of the Northern Great Plain region and the seat of Hajdú-Bihar county. It was the largest Hungarian city in the 18th century and it is one of the most important cultural centres of the Hungarians. - Wikipedia.
* Дебрецен - город на востоке Венгрии, второй по населению город в стране после Будапешта, административный центр медье Хайду-Бихар.
Debrecen. Ungari.
Дебрецен. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1967.
My collection.
* Debrecen is the second largest city in Hungary after Budapest. Debrecen is the regional centre of the Northern Great Plain region and the seat of Hajdú-Bihar county. It was the largest Hungarian city in the 18th century and it is one of the most important cultural centres of the Hungarians. - Wikipedia.
* Дебрецен - город на востоке Венгрии, второй по населению город в стране после Будапешта, административный центр медье Хайду-Бихар.
20 September 2014
Krasnovodsk. Turkmenistan. 1978
Krasnovodsk. Hotel "Krasnovodsk". Turkmenistan.
Krasnovodsk. Hotell "Krasnovodsk". Turkmeenia.
Красноводск. Отель "Красноводск". Туркмения.
Postcard, 1978.
My collection.
* Türkmenbaşy (Turkmenbashi), formerly known as Krasnovodsk and Kyzyl-Su (trans Red Water), is a city in Balkan Province in Turkmenistan, on the Krasnovodsk Gulf of the Caspian Sea.
* Туркменбашы (туркм. Türkmenbaşy, ранее Красновoдск) - город на западе Туркмении, входящий в состав Балканского велаята. Расположен на восточном побережье Каспийского моря. На территории города находится крупный международный морской порт. Город является центром нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности Туркмении. - Wikipedia.
Krasnovodsk. Hotell "Krasnovodsk". Turkmeenia.
Красноводск. Отель "Красноводск". Туркмения.
Postcard, 1978.
My collection.
* Türkmenbaşy (Turkmenbashi), formerly known as Krasnovodsk and Kyzyl-Su (trans Red Water), is a city in Balkan Province in Turkmenistan, on the Krasnovodsk Gulf of the Caspian Sea.
* Туркменбашы (туркм. Türkmenbaşy, ранее Красновoдск) - город на западе Туркмении, входящий в состав Балканского велаята. Расположен на восточном побережье Каспийского моря. На территории города находится крупный международный морской порт. Город является центром нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности Туркмении. - Wikipedia.
16 September 2014
Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye. Russia. 1964 - 8.
Trigorskoye. In the park.
Trigorskoje. Parginurgake.
Тригорское. Уголок парка.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also: Pushkin A. S.
Trigorskoje. Parginurgake.
Тригорское. Уголок парка.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also: Pushkin A. S.
14 September 2014
Red Square. Moscow. 1955
Moscow. Red Square. Lenin's and Stalin's Mausoleum.
Moskva. Punane väljak. Lenini ja Stalini mausoleum.
Москва. Красная площадь. Мавзолей В. И. Ленина и И. В. Сталина.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Lenin died on January 21, 1924. Two days later architect Aleksey Shchusev was charged with building a structure suitable for viewing of the body by mourners. A wooden tomb, in Red Square by the Kremlin wall, was ready January 27, and later that day Lenin's coffin was placed in it. /- - -/
By August 1924, Shchusev had replaced the tomb with a larger one, and Lenin's body transferred to a sarcophagus designed by architect Konstantin Melnikov. /- - -/
... the next year a new mausoleum of marble, porphyry, granite, and labradorite (by Alexey Shchusev, I.A. Frantsuz and G.K. Yakovlev) was completed. /- - -/
Joseph Stalin's embalmed body shared a spot next to Lenin's, from the time of his death in 1953 until October 31, 1961, when Stalin was removed as part of de-Stalinization and Khrushchev's Thaw, and buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis outside the walls of the Kremlin. - Wikipedia.
Moskva. Punane väljak. Lenini ja Stalini mausoleum.
Москва. Красная площадь. Мавзолей В. И. Ленина и И. В. Сталина.
Postcard, 1955.
My collection.
* Lenin died on January 21, 1924. Two days later architect Aleksey Shchusev was charged with building a structure suitable for viewing of the body by mourners. A wooden tomb, in Red Square by the Kremlin wall, was ready January 27, and later that day Lenin's coffin was placed in it. /- - -/
By August 1924, Shchusev had replaced the tomb with a larger one, and Lenin's body transferred to a sarcophagus designed by architect Konstantin Melnikov. /- - -/
... the next year a new mausoleum of marble, porphyry, granite, and labradorite (by Alexey Shchusev, I.A. Frantsuz and G.K. Yakovlev) was completed. /- - -/
Joseph Stalin's embalmed body shared a spot next to Lenin's, from the time of his death in 1953 until October 31, 1961, when Stalin was removed as part of de-Stalinization and Khrushchev's Thaw, and buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis outside the walls of the Kremlin. - Wikipedia.
13 September 2014
Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye. Russia. 1964 - 7
Mikhailovskoye. River Sorot.
Mihhailovskoje. Vaade Savka mäekeselt Soroti jõele.
"Меня зовут холмы, луга,
Тенисты клены огорода,
Пустынной реки берега
И деревенская свобода."
А. С. Пушкин "NN (В. В.Энгельгардту)"
Вид с Савкиной горки на долину реки Сороти.
Trigorskoye. River Sorot.
Trigorskoje. Vaade pargile Soroti jõe kaldalt.
"Приду под липовые своды
На скат тригорского холма,
Поклоннк дружеской свободы
Веселья граций и ума."
А. С. Пушкин "Простите, верные дубравы!"
Тригорское. Вид на парк с берега реки Сороти.
Postcards, 1964.
My collection.
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also: Pushkin A. S.
Mihhailovskoje. Vaade Savka mäekeselt Soroti jõele.
"Меня зовут холмы, луга,
Тенисты клены огорода,
Пустынной реки берега
И деревенская свобода."
А. С. Пушкин "NN (В. В.Энгельгардту)"
Вид с Савкиной горки на долину реки Сороти.
Trigorskoye. River Sorot.
Trigorskoje. Vaade pargile Soroti jõe kaldalt.
"Приду под липовые своды
На скат тригорского холма,
Поклоннк дружеской свободы
Веселья граций и ума."
А. С. Пушкин "Простите, верные дубравы!"
Тригорское. Вид на парк с берега реки Сороти.
Postcards, 1964.
My collection.
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also: Pushkin A. S.
12 September 2014
Konakovo. Rest Home "Karacharovo". Russia. 1974
Konakovo (Tver Oblast). Rest Home "Karacharovo".
Konakovo. Puhkekodu "Karatšarovo".
Конаково. Дом отдыха "Карачарово".
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
Konakovo. Puhkekodu "Karatšarovo".
Конаково. Дом отдыха "Карачарово".
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
11 September 2014
Gherman Titov - Soviet Cosmonaut
Gherman Titov.
German Titov.
Герман Титов.
Stamp, USSR, 1961.
My collection.
* Gherman Titov (11 September 1935 - 20 September 2000) was a Soviet cosmonaut who, on 6 August 1961, became the second human to orbit the Earth, aboard Vostok 2, preceded by Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1. -
* German Titov - NSV Liidu kosmonaut, pärast Juri Gagarinit teine nõukogude inimene kosmoses (aug 1961).
* Герман Титов (11 сентября 1935 года - 20 сентября 2000 года) — советский космонавт, второй советский человек в космосе, второй человек в мире, совершивший орбитальный космический полёт, самый молодой космонавт в истории и первый человек, совершивший длительный космический полёт (более суток). Герой Советского Союза (1961). Дублёр Юрия Гагарина, доктор военных наук, доцент. - Wikipedia.
German Titov.
Герман Титов.
Stamp, USSR, 1961.
My collection.
* Gherman Titov (11 September 1935 - 20 September 2000) was a Soviet cosmonaut who, on 6 August 1961, became the second human to orbit the Earth, aboard Vostok 2, preceded by Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1. -
* German Titov - NSV Liidu kosmonaut, pärast Juri Gagarinit teine nõukogude inimene kosmoses (aug 1961).
* Герман Титов (11 сентября 1935 года - 20 сентября 2000 года) — советский космонавт, второй советский человек в космосе, второй человек в мире, совершивший орбитальный космический полёт, самый молодой космонавт в истории и первый человек, совершивший длительный космический полёт (более суток). Герой Советского Союза (1961). Дублёр Юрия Гагарина, доктор военных наук, доцент. - Wikipedia.
10 September 2014
Zavidovo. Spiridon Drozhzhin's Museum. Russia. 1974
Zavidovo (Tver Oblast). Museum devoted to a Russian poet Spiridon Drozhzhin.
Zavidovo (Tveri oblast). Vene talurahvapoeedi Spiridon Drožžini maja-muuseum.
"Милым, ясным певцом простой правдивой русской песниназывал крестьянского поэта С. Д. Дрожжина, уроженца Тверской губернии известный советский писатель А. С. Серафимович. Завидово. Дом музей поэта С. Д. Дрожжина.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Zavidovo is a village in Konakovsky District of Tver Oblast, Russia. It is used as an official residence place for the President of Russia, and was also used by the Soviet leaders. The residence is situated in the Zavidovo nature reserve. According to UNESCO, Zavidovo is one of the most environmentally safe places on the planet.
* Spiridon Drozhzhin (December 18, 1848 - December 24, 1930) was a Russian poet.
* Спиридон Дрожжин (6 (18) декабря 1848 - 24 декабря 1930) - русский поэт. К концу XIX века становился самым известным русским крестьянским поэтом.
Zavidovo (Tveri oblast). Vene talurahvapoeedi Spiridon Drožžini maja-muuseum.
"Милым, ясным певцом простой правдивой русской песниназывал крестьянского поэта С. Д. Дрожжина, уроженца Тверской губернии известный советский писатель А. С. Серафимович. Завидово. Дом музей поэта С. Д. Дрожжина.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Zavidovo is a village in Konakovsky District of Tver Oblast, Russia. It is used as an official residence place for the President of Russia, and was also used by the Soviet leaders. The residence is situated in the Zavidovo nature reserve. According to UNESCO, Zavidovo is one of the most environmentally safe places on the planet.
* Spiridon Drozhzhin (December 18, 1848 - December 24, 1930) was a Russian poet.
* Спиридон Дрожжин (6 (18) декабря 1848 - 24 декабря 1930) - русский поэт. К концу XIX века становился самым известным русским крестьянским поэтом.
9 September 2014
The Historic Buildings of Torzhok. Russia. 1974
1-2. The historic buildings of Torzhok.
Toržok. 1. Endine Požarski võõrastemaja. 2. Oleninite maja. Mõlemad on seotud Aleksander Puškini elu ja loominguga.
1. Торжок.
"На досуге отобедай
У Пожарского в Торжке,
Жареных котлет отведай
И отправься налегке..."
/А. С. Пушкин/
Бывшая гостиница Пожарского.
"Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
В душе моей угасла не совсем..."
/А. С. Пушкин "Посвящение Анне Олениной"/
Дом Олениных.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
8 September 2014
Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye. Russia. 1964 - 6.
“Onegin’s Bench”. Trigorskoye.
"Onegini pink". Trigorskoje.
"Скамья Онегина". Тригорское.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
* "Onegin Bench" - one of the Trigorskoye park’s most picturesque spots in the shade of old limes and an oak tree. The family associated the “bench” with the scene in which Onegin and Tatiana meet and declare their feelings (Pushkin's “Eugene Onegin”).
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also: Pushkin A. S.
See also: "Onegin's bench". 1969.
"Onegini pink". Trigorskoje.
"Скамья Онегина". Тригорское.
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
* "Onegin Bench" - one of the Trigorskoye park’s most picturesque spots in the shade of old limes and an oak tree. The family associated the “bench” with the scene in which Onegin and Tatiana meet and declare their feelings (Pushkin's “Eugene Onegin”).
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also: Pushkin A. S.
See also: "Onegin's bench". 1969.
7 September 2014
Malinniki. Russia. 1974
Malinniki. Near the village.
1.Malinniki küla läheduses. 2. Vana kellatorn.
Малинники. 1. Окрестности села. 2. Старая часовня.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
6 September 2014
Torzhok. Tvertsa River. Russia. 1974
Torzhok. Tvertsa Embankment.
Toržok. Tvertsa jõe kaldapealne.
Торжок. Тверецкая набережная.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* The Tvertsa is a river in Vyshnevolotsky, Spirovsky, Torzhoksky, and Kalininsky Districts, as well as in the cities of Torzhok and Tver in Tver Oblast, Russia, a left tributary of the Volga River.
Torzhok is a town in Tver Oblast, Russia. The town is famous for its folk craft of goldwork embroidery. - Wikipedia.
Toržok. Tvertsa jõe kaldapealne.
Торжок. Тверецкая набережная.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* The Tvertsa is a river in Vyshnevolotsky, Spirovsky, Torzhoksky, and Kalininsky Districts, as well as in the cities of Torzhok and Tver in Tver Oblast, Russia, a left tributary of the Volga River.
Torzhok is a town in Tver Oblast, Russia. The town is famous for its folk craft of goldwork embroidery. - Wikipedia.
5 September 2014
Bernovo. Russia. 1974
Bernovo (Tver Oblast). T′ma River.
Bernovo. Tma jõgi.
Берново. Река Тьма.
Bernovo. Near the village.
Bernovo. Küla lähedal.
Берново. Окрестности села.
Bernovo. Alexander Pushkin's museum.
Bernovo. Puškini muuseum.
Берново. Музей Александра Пушкина.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
Bernovo. Tma jõgi.
Берново. Река Тьма.
Bernovo. Near the village.
Bernovo. Küla lähedal.
Берново. Окрестности села.
Bernovo. Alexander Pushkin's museum.
Bernovo. Puškini muuseum.
Берново. Музей Александра Пушкина.
Postcards, 1974.
My collection.
3 September 2014
Mount Elbrus: Here Zeus Had Chained Prometheus
Mount Elbrus.
Postcard, 1973.
Postcard 1974.
My collection
* Mount Elbrus is a dormant volcano located in the western Caucasus mountain range, in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay–Cherkessia of Russia, near the border with Georgia. Mt. Elbrus's peak is the highest in the Caucasus Mountains and in Europe.
Elbrus has two summits, both of which are dormant volcanic domes. Mt. Elbrus (west summit) stands at 5,642 metres (18,510 ft);[2] the east summit is slightly lower at 5,621 metres (18,442 ft)
The ancients knew the mountain as Strobilus, Latin for 'pine cone', a direct loan from the ancient Greek strobilos, meaning 'a twisted object' – a long established botanical term that describes the shape of the volcano's summit. Myth held that here Zeus had chained Prometheus, the Titan who had stolen fire from the gods and given it to ancient man – likely a reference to historic volcanic activity. - Wikipedia.
See also: The Vicinity of Mt. Elbrus.
Postcard, 1973.
Postcard 1974.
My collection
* Mount Elbrus is a dormant volcano located in the western Caucasus mountain range, in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay–Cherkessia of Russia, near the border with Georgia. Mt. Elbrus's peak is the highest in the Caucasus Mountains and in Europe.
Elbrus has two summits, both of which are dormant volcanic domes. Mt. Elbrus (west summit) stands at 5,642 metres (18,510 ft);[2] the east summit is slightly lower at 5,621 metres (18,442 ft)
The ancients knew the mountain as Strobilus, Latin for 'pine cone', a direct loan from the ancient Greek strobilos, meaning 'a twisted object' – a long established botanical term that describes the shape of the volcano's summit. Myth held that here Zeus had chained Prometheus, the Titan who had stolen fire from the gods and given it to ancient man – likely a reference to historic volcanic activity. - Wikipedia.
See also: The Vicinity of Mt. Elbrus.
2 September 2014
Svyato-Uspensky Monastery. Staritsa. Russia. 1974
Staritsa (Starica; Tver Oblast). View of Svyato-Uspensky monastery.
Staritsa (Tveri oblast). Vaade Svjato-Uspenski kloostrile.
Старица. Вид на Свято-Успенский монастырь.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
Staritsa (Tveri oblast). Vaade Svjato-Uspenski kloostrile.
Старица. Вид на Свято-Успенский монастырь.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
1 September 2014
Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye. Russia. 1964 - 5.
Mikhaylovskoye. Lake Malenec.
Mihhailovskoje. Malenetsi järv.
"Тоской и рифмами томим,
Бродя над озером моим,
Пугаю стадо диких уток:
Вняв пенью сладкозвучных строф,
Они слетают с берегов."
А. С. Пушкин. "Евгений Онегин"
Михайловское. Озеро Маленец
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also Pushkin A. S.
Mihhailovskoje. Malenetsi järv.
"Тоской и рифмами томим,
Бродя над озером моим,
Пугаю стадо диких уток:
Вняв пенью сладкозвучных строф,
Они слетают с берегов."
А. С. Пушкин. "Евгений Онегин"
Михайловское. Озеро Маленец
Postcard, 1964.
My collection.
* Set "Pushkin's Mikhailovskoye". Russia. 1964.
* Vene postkaardikogumik "Puškini kaitseala". 1964.
* Комплект открыток "Пушкинский заповедник". Россия. 1964.
See also Pushkin A. S.
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