30 November 2016

Viru Gate. Tallinn. Estonia.

Viru Gate. Tallinn. Estonia.
Viru värav. Tallinn. Eesti. U 1827. a.
Вируские ворота. Таллинн. Эстония.

Postcard, 1969. Kirjastus "Kunst".
My collection.

10 November 2016

Monument to the Tsar Liberator and Grand Hotel Sofia. Sofia. Bulgaria. 1973

Monument to the Tsar Liberator and Grand Hotel Sofia. Sofia. Bulgaria.

Mälestussammas vendadele-vabastajatele  (nüüdse nimetusega: mälestussammas tsaar-vabastajale) ja hotell "Sofia". Sofia. Bulgaaria.

Памятник братьям освободителям  (Памятник Царю-Освободителю) и гранд отель "София". София. Болгария.

Postcard, 1973.
My collection.

* The Monument to the Tsar Liberator is an equestrian monument in the centre of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. It was erected in honour of Russian Emperor Alexander II who liberated Bulgaria of Ottoman rule during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878.

7 November 2016

"First days of October"

"First days of October" / G. Savitsky (1887-1949).
"Oktoobri esimesed päevad" / G. Savitski (1887-1949).
"Первые дни Октября" / Г. К. Савицкий (1887-1949).

Postcard, 1958.

* The Great October Socialist Revolution - 7–8 November 1917, Petrograd, Russia.
* Suur Sotsialistlik Oktoobrirevolutsioon - 7.-8. november 1917, Petrograd, Venemaa.