"Elephant and Pug". Illustration of Ivan Krylov's fable.
Illustratsioon Ivan Krõlovi valmile "Elevant ja Moska" / A. Žaba.
"Слон и Моська". К басне И. Крылова / А. Жаба.
Postcard, 1944. WWII
My collection.
* Ivan Krylov (Russian: Иван Андреевич Крылов; 1769 – 1844) is Russia's best known fabulist. Many of his earlier fables were loosely based on Aesop and Jean de La Fontaine. Later fables were original work.
Ivan Krylov
Along the streets Big Elephant was led,
To show him off, most likely.
Since Elephants are not a common thing to see
A crowd of gapers followed on his heels.
All of a sudden Pug springs up in front of them.
And seeing Elephant, it raises a great rumpus,
It lunges, barks and howls
And does its best to pick a quarrel.
"Hey neighbor, stop the fuss,"
A mutt intones, "You? Deal with Elephant?
Look at you barking yourself hoarse, and he just strolls
And doesn't care one bit about your noise."
"Ho ho!" Pug says,
"That's just what I enjoy,
Since I can be a real tough guy
Without a single blow or bruise.
That way, the other dogs will say:
"To bark at Elephant this Pug
Must be a real strong mug!"
Ivan Krõlov
Kord linnas talutati Elevanti -
vist tsirkuse reklaamiks, nagu näis,
salk uudishimulikke tema kannul käis
ja vahtis imelooma igat kanti.
Ei tea kust äkki - väike Mopsi-nähvits
lõi elevandi kannul vihast vurri,
ta näitas hambaid, ajas karvad turri
just nagu haukuda ta klähviks
mõnd endataolist.
"Jäta oma jant,"
üks karvanäss siis andis talle nõu,
"saad aru isegi, et sulle üle jõu
on tülinorimiseks Elevant.
Sul, vaesekesel, juba hääl on kähe,
kuid talle, näe, ei üldse korda lähe,
et tema vastu
sa klähvid sedasi, -
ta muudkui astub
ühtviisi rahulikult edasi."
"Äh, äh," Mops aga vastab talle kähku;
"just nimelt see mu teebki vapraks,
kui ilma, et mul endal asi läheks hapraks,
võin saada kuulsaks löömameheks. Nähku
nüüd minu julgust koerad igast kuudist
ja üle linna kuulutagu uudist:
Oi, Mopsi! Näe, kui kange koer on ta,
et julgeb Elevandi peale haukuda!"
/I. Krõlov "Valitud valmid", 1952, tõlkinud Mart Raud./
Иван Крылов
По улицам Слона водили,
Как видно, напоказ.
Известно, что Слоны в диковинку у нас,
Так за Слоном толпы зевак ходили.
Отколе ни возьмись, навстречу Моська им.
Увидевши Слона, ну на него метаться,
И лаять, и визжать, и рваться;
Ну так и лезет в драку с ним.
Соседка, перестань срамиться, -
Ей Шавка говорит, - тебе ль с Слоном возиться?
Смотри, уж ты хрипишь, а он себе идет
И лаю твоего совсем не примечает. -
"Эх, эх! - ей Моська отвечает, -
Вот то-то мне и духу придает,
Что я, совсем без драки,
Могу попасть в большие забияки.
Пускай же говорят собаки:
"Ай, Моська! знать, она сильна,
Что лает на Слона!"
30 September 2011
29 September 2011
"Autumn shower". Hungary
"Autumn shower" (1963) / Sándor Moritz (1924 - 1966) / Hungary.
"Sügisvihm" / Sándor Moritz / Ungari.
"Осенний ливень" (1963) / Шандор Мориц (1924 - 1966) / Венгрия.
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
"Sügisvihm" / Sándor Moritz / Ungari.
"Осенний ливень" (1963) / Шандор Мориц (1924 - 1966) / Венгрия.
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
28 September 2011
"Restauration of the Cathedral of the Assumption in Vladimir". Art lacquer painting. Mstera. Russia
"Restauration of the Cathedral of the Assumption in Vladimir" / L. Fomichev / Mstera / Casket. Detail. 1960s.
"Katedraali taastamine Vladimiris" / L. Fomitšev / Mstjora / 1960ndad.
"Восстановление Успенского собора во Владимире" / Л. Фомичев / Мстера / Шкатулка, Фрагмент. 1960-е гг.
* Postcard from the set "Russian lacquers", 1981.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vene lakkmaalid", 1981.
* Открытка из комплекта "Русские художественные лаки" 1981 г.
My collection.
"Katedraali taastamine Vladimiris" / L. Fomitšev / Mstjora / 1960ndad.
"Восстановление Успенского собора во Владимире" / Л. Фомичев / Мстера / Шкатулка, Фрагмент. 1960-е гг.
* Postcard from the set "Russian lacquers", 1981.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vene lakkmaalid", 1981.
* Открытка из комплекта "Русские художественные лаки" 1981 г.
My collection.
24 September 2011
"The Girl with Peaches"
"The Girl with Peaches. The Portrait of Vera Mamontova" (1887) / Valentin Serov (1865-1911) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Tütarlaps virsikutega. V. S. Mamontova portree" (1887) / Valentin Serov / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Девочка с персиками. Портрет В. С. Мамонтовой" (1887) / Валентин Серов (1865-1911) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* Valentin Serov (Russian: Валентин Александрович Серов; 1865 - 1911) was a Russian painter, and one of the premier portrait artists of his era. "The greatest works of Serov's early period were portraits: "The Girl with Peaches" (1887), and "The Girl Covered by the Sun" (1888), both in the Tretyakov Gallery. In these paintings Serov concentrated on spontaneity of perception of the model and nature. In the development of light and color, the complex harmony of reflections, the sense of atmospheric saturation, and the fresh picturesque perception of the world, there appeared the features of early Russian impressionism." -- Wikipedia.
"Tütarlaps virsikutega. V. S. Mamontova portree" (1887) / Valentin Serov / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Девочка с персиками. Портрет В. С. Мамонтовой" (1887) / Валентин Серов (1865-1911) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1956.
My collection.
* Valentin Serov (Russian: Валентин Александрович Серов; 1865 - 1911) was a Russian painter, and one of the premier portrait artists of his era. "The greatest works of Serov's early period were portraits: "The Girl with Peaches" (1887), and "The Girl Covered by the Sun" (1888), both in the Tretyakov Gallery. In these paintings Serov concentrated on spontaneity of perception of the model and nature. In the development of light and color, the complex harmony of reflections, the sense of atmospheric saturation, and the fresh picturesque perception of the world, there appeared the features of early Russian impressionism." -- Wikipedia.
23 September 2011
"All in the Past"
"All in the Past" (1889) / Vasily Maksimov (1844 - 1911) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Kõik on minevik" / Vassili Maksimov / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Все в прошлом" (1889) / Василий Максимов / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Vassily Maximovich Maximov (1844-1911) was a Russian painter, a prominent member of the Peredvizhniki group. Maximov painted many paintings of the peasant life.
"Kõik on minevik" / Vassili Maksimov / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva.
"Все в прошлом" (1889) / Василий Максимов / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Vassily Maximovich Maximov (1844-1911) was a Russian painter, a prominent member of the Peredvizhniki group. Maximov painted many paintings of the peasant life.
22 September 2011
Sofia. Bulgaria. 1974
National Assembly Square and Alexander Nevski Cathedral. Sofia. Bulgaria.
Rahvusassamblee väljak Aleksander Nevski peakiriku ja vendade-vabastajate monumendiga. Sofia. Bulgaaria.
Площадь "Народное Собрание" и памятник братьям освободителям. Главный храм Болгарии — Собор Александра Невского. София.
Postcard, 1974(?).
My collection.
* Sofia (Bulgarian: София) is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria.
Rahvusassamblee väljak Aleksander Nevski peakiriku ja vendade-vabastajate monumendiga. Sofia. Bulgaaria.
Площадь "Народное Собрание" и памятник братьям освободителям. Главный храм Болгарии — Собор Александра Невского. София.
Postcard, 1974(?).
My collection.
* Sofia (Bulgarian: София) is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria.
21 September 2011
Magtymguly Pyragy. Turkmenistan
Monument to Magtymguly Pyragy. Aşgabat. Turkmenistan.
Magtõmgulõ (ka Mahtumkuli) mälestussammas Aşgabatis.
Памятник Махтумкули в Ашхабаде.
Postcard, 1977.
Magtymguly Pyragy.
Stamp (USSR), 1959
My collection.
* Magtymguly Pyragy (1733–1797) was a Turkmen spiritual leader and philosophical poet, the father of Turkmen literature.
* Magtõmgulõ oli Türkmenistani vaimne juht, turkmeeni kirjandusele alusepanija, poeet, filosoof ja ühiskonnategelane.
Magtõmgulõ (ka Mahtumkuli) mälestussammas Aşgabatis.
Памятник Махтумкули в Ашхабаде.
Postcard, 1977.
Magtymguly Pyragy.
Stamp (USSR), 1959
My collection.
* Magtymguly Pyragy (1733–1797) was a Turkmen spiritual leader and philosophical poet, the father of Turkmen literature.
* Magtõmgulõ oli Türkmenistani vaimne juht, turkmeeni kirjandusele alusepanija, poeet, filosoof ja ühiskonnategelane.
20 September 2011
Mariánské Lázně. Czech. 1970s
Mariánské Lázně: 1. Central Baths (Ústřední lázně); 2. Cross Spring (Kreuzquelle, Křížový pramen); 3. Typical buildings in the town centre; 4. Rudolph's Spring (Rudolfův pramen).
Mariánské Lázně: 1.Ústřední lázně; 2. Risti allikas; 3. Tüüpilised hooned kesklinnas; 4. Rudolfi allikas.
Марианске-Лазне (Мариенбад): 1. Центральное здание курорта; 2. Крестовый источник; 3. Дома в центре города; 4. Источник Рудольфа.
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
* Mariánské Lázně (German: Marienbad) is a spa town in the Karlovy Vary Region of the Czech Republic.
Mariánské Lázně
Mariánské Lázně: 1.Ústřední lázně; 2. Risti allikas; 3. Tüüpilised hooned kesklinnas; 4. Rudolfi allikas.
Марианске-Лазне (Мариенбад): 1. Центральное здание курорта; 2. Крестовый источник; 3. Дома в центре города; 4. Источник Рудольфа.
Postcard, 1970s.
My collection.
* Mariánské Lázně (German: Marienbad) is a spa town in the Karlovy Vary Region of the Czech Republic.
Mariánské Lázně
18 September 2011
Estonian Lighthouses - 16.
Viimsi. The rear lighthouse, 1939.
Viimsi ülemine tuletorn.
Задний створный маяк в Виймси.
* Estonian Lighthouses.
Postcards, 1979.
My collection.
Viimsi ülemine tuletorn.
Задний створный маяк в Виймси.
* Estonian Lighthouses.
Postcards, 1979.
My collection.
17 September 2011
Debrecen. Hungary. 1967
Calvinistic church. Debrecen. Hungary.
Református Nagytemplom - Debreceni kalvinistlik kirik.
Реформатская Главная церковь (Надьтемплом). Дебрецен. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1967
My collection.
* The Protestant Great Church or Great Reformed Church (Hungarian: Nagytemplom) is probably the most best known building in the city of Debrecen. It stands in the city centre. It is the symbol of the Protestant Church in Hungary, and it is because of this church that Debrecen is sometimes referred to as "the Calvinist Rome". The Great Church was built between 1805 and 1824 in neoclassical style. -- Wikipedia.
* Debreceni (kutsutud ka "Kalvinistlikuks Roomaks") sümbol, protestantlik suurkirik, kus esimene jumalateenistus toimus 1819. aastal.
* Большая церковь. Кальвинистский собор, построен в стиле неоклассицизм (1805 - 1824 гг.) Крупнейший протестантский храм страны.
Stamp, 1963.
Református Nagytemplom - Debreceni kalvinistlik kirik.
Реформатская Главная церковь (Надьтемплом). Дебрецен. Венгрия.
Postcard, 1967
My collection.
* The Protestant Great Church or Great Reformed Church (Hungarian: Nagytemplom) is probably the most best known building in the city of Debrecen. It stands in the city centre. It is the symbol of the Protestant Church in Hungary, and it is because of this church that Debrecen is sometimes referred to as "the Calvinist Rome". The Great Church was built between 1805 and 1824 in neoclassical style. -- Wikipedia.
* Debreceni (kutsutud ka "Kalvinistlikuks Roomaks") sümbol, protestantlik suurkirik, kus esimene jumalateenistus toimus 1819. aastal.
* Большая церковь. Кальвинистский собор, построен в стиле неоклассицизм (1805 - 1824 гг.) Крупнейший протестантский храм страны.
Stamp, 1963.
16 September 2011
"Song of the North". Art lacquer painting. Fedoskino. Russia
"Song of the North" / Yu. Karapayev / Fedoskino / Box. 1972.
"Põhjalaul" / J. Karapajev / Fedoskino / 1972.
"Песнь Севера" / Ю. Карапаев / Федоскино / Коробка, 1972 г.
* Postcard from the set "Russian lacquers", 1981.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vene lakkmaalid", 1981.
* Oткрытка из комплекта "Русские художественные лаки", 1981 г.
My collection.
"Põhjalaul" / J. Karapajev / Fedoskino / 1972.
"Песнь Севера" / Ю. Карапаев / Федоскино / Коробка, 1972 г.
* Postcard from the set "Russian lacquers", 1981.
* Postkaardikogumikust "Vene lakkmaalid", 1981.
* Oткрытка из комплекта "Русские художественные лаки", 1981 г.
My collection.
14 September 2011
Air Defence. 1944
Air Defence. Leningrad. WWII.
Õhukaitse. Leningrad. Suur Isamaasõda.
Зенитчики. Ленинград в дни Отечественной войны. / Худ. Э. Будогосский.
My collection.
Õhukaitse. Leningrad. Suur Isamaasõda.
Зенитчики. Ленинград в дни Отечественной войны. / Худ. Э. Будогосский.
My collection.
13 September 2011
Estonian Lighthouses - 15.
Tahkuna. The lighthouse, 1875.
Tahkuna tuletorn.
Маяк в Тахкуна.
* Estonian Lighthouses.
Postcards, 1979.
My collection.
Tahkuna tuletorn.
Маяк в Тахкуна.
* Estonian Lighthouses.
Postcards, 1979.
My collection.
12 September 2011
The Hussites. Jan x 3. Czech
Jan Hus.
Jan Roháč z Dubé.
Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa.
Postcards, 1960s or 1970s.
My collection.
* Jan Hus (c. 1370 – 1415) was a Czech priest, philosopher, Church reformer. He was burned at the stake, and his ashes thrown into the Rhine.
The Hussites
Jan Roháč z Dubé (? – 1437) was a Bohemian Hussite marshal. Following the death of Jan Zizka, he became Master of Orphans, a radical Hussite sect.
Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa (1400 - 1469) was a Czech strategist and mercenary soldier. Jiskra spent his youth in Bohemia and partially also in Italy, where he attended the battles of the Republic of Venice. In the Czech lands he became familiar with the Hussite war strategies. -- Wikipedia.
* Jan Hus (u 1370 – 1415) oli tšehhi usureformaator ja filosoof. Tema pooldajaid nimetatakse hussiitideks. 15. sajandil kritiseeris Jan Hus kirikuametite müüki; nõudis kirikuvarade sekulariseerimist (ilmalikustamist); pidas usulise tõe ainukeseks kriteeriumiks piiblit. 1415 otsustas Konstanzi kirikukogu, et Jan Hus on ketser ning ta põletati tuleriidal. Pärast reformatsiooni juhi tulesurma hussiitide liikumine hoogustus. 1420. aastal algasid nn hussiitide sõjad. Jan Roháč z Dubé ja Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa kandsid husiitide ideid edasi pärast Jan Husi surma.
* Ян Гус — национальный герой чешского народа, проповедник, мыслитель, идеолог чешской Реформации. Был священником и некоторое время ректором Пражского университета. 6 июля 1415 года в Констанце был сожжён вместе со своими трудами. Казнь Гуса вызвала гуситские войны (1419 -1434).
Jan Roháč z Dubé.
Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa.
Postcards, 1960s or 1970s.
My collection.
* Jan Hus (c. 1370 – 1415) was a Czech priest, philosopher, Church reformer. He was burned at the stake, and his ashes thrown into the Rhine.
The Hussites
Jan Roháč z Dubé (? – 1437) was a Bohemian Hussite marshal. Following the death of Jan Zizka, he became Master of Orphans, a radical Hussite sect.
Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa (1400 - 1469) was a Czech strategist and mercenary soldier. Jiskra spent his youth in Bohemia and partially also in Italy, where he attended the battles of the Republic of Venice. In the Czech lands he became familiar with the Hussite war strategies. -- Wikipedia.
* Jan Hus (u 1370 – 1415) oli tšehhi usureformaator ja filosoof. Tema pooldajaid nimetatakse hussiitideks. 15. sajandil kritiseeris Jan Hus kirikuametite müüki; nõudis kirikuvarade sekulariseerimist (ilmalikustamist); pidas usulise tõe ainukeseks kriteeriumiks piiblit. 1415 otsustas Konstanzi kirikukogu, et Jan Hus on ketser ning ta põletati tuleriidal. Pärast reformatsiooni juhi tulesurma hussiitide liikumine hoogustus. 1420. aastal algasid nn hussiitide sõjad. Jan Roháč z Dubé ja Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa kandsid husiitide ideid edasi pärast Jan Husi surma.
* Ян Гус — национальный герой чешского народа, проповедник, мыслитель, идеолог чешской Реформации. Был священником и некоторое время ректором Пражского университета. 6 июля 1415 года в Констанце был сожжён вместе со своими трудами. Казнь Гуса вызвала гуситские войны (1419 -1434).
11 September 2011
Frunze / Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan. 1977 - 3.
Frunze/now Bishkek. Sports Hall.
Дворец спорта имени В. И. Ленина.
Hotel "Kyrgyzstan".
Hotell "Kõrgõztan"
Гостиница "Кыргызстан".
Cafe Bermet.
Kohvik "Bermet".
Кафе "Бермет".
Postcards, 1977.
My collection.
Дворец спорта имени В. И. Ленина.
Hotel "Kyrgyzstan".
Hotell "Kõrgõztan"
Гостиница "Кыргызстан".
Cafe Bermet.
Kohvik "Bermet".
Кафе "Бермет".
Postcards, 1977.
My collection.
9 September 2011
Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy.
Stamp, USSR, 1978.
Leo Tolstoy.
Stamp, USSR, 1956.
My collection.
* Leo (Lev) Tolstoy (Лев Николаевич Толстой; September 9, 1828 – November 20, 1910) was a Russian writer. His two most famous works, the novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", are acknowledged as two of the greatest novels of all time. Many consider Tolstoy to have been one of the world's greatest novelists.
* Lev Tolstoi (eesti keeles ka Leo Tolstoi, 9. sept 1828 - 20. nov 1910) oli vene kirjanik. Tuntuimad eesti keelde tõlgitud teosed : "Sõda ja rahu", "Anna Karenina", "Ülestõusmine", "Lapsepõlv, poisiiga ja noorus", "Kasakad" jne.
Stamp, USSR, 1978.
Leo Tolstoy.
Stamp, USSR, 1956.
My collection.
* Leo (Lev) Tolstoy (Лев Николаевич Толстой; September 9, 1828 – November 20, 1910) was a Russian writer. His two most famous works, the novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", are acknowledged as two of the greatest novels of all time. Many consider Tolstoy to have been one of the world's greatest novelists.
* Lev Tolstoi (eesti keeles ka Leo Tolstoi, 9. sept 1828 - 20. nov 1910) oli vene kirjanik. Tuntuimad eesti keelde tõlgitud teosed : "Sõda ja rahu", "Anna Karenina", "Ülestõusmine", "Lapsepõlv, poisiiga ja noorus", "Kasakad" jne.
7 September 2011
Rebuilding effort. 1944
Rebuilding effort. Leningrad. WWII.
Linna taastamine. Leningrad. Suur Isamaasõda.
Город восстанавливается. Ленинград в дни Отечественной войны. / Худ. Н. Кочергин.
Postcard, 1944.
My collection.
* Text on the postcard: "Heave-ho!"
"Võtame!" /tähenduses "Tõstame!", "Hakkame pihta!"/
"А нука, взяли!"
Linna taastamine. Leningrad. Suur Isamaasõda.
Город восстанавливается. Ленинград в дни Отечественной войны. / Худ. Н. Кочергин.
Postcard, 1944.
My collection.
* Text on the postcard: "Heave-ho!"
"Võtame!" /tähenduses "Tõstame!", "Hakkame pihta!"/
"А нука, взяли!"
6 September 2011
"Playing Ping-Pong". Art lacquer painting. Mstera. Russia
"Playing Ping-Pong" / L. Zuikov / Mstera / Casket. 1971.
"Ping-pong" / L. Zuikov / Mstjora / 1971.
"Игра в теннис" / Л. Зуйков / Мстера /Шкатулка, 1971 г.
*Postcard from the set "Russian lacquers", 1981.
*Postkaardikogumikust "Vene lakkmaalid", 1981.
*Открытка из комплекта "Русские художественные лаки", 1981 г.
My collection
"Ping-pong" / L. Zuikov / Mstjora / 1971.
"Игра в теннис" / Л. Зуйков / Мстера /Шкатулка, 1971 г.
*Postcard from the set "Russian lacquers", 1981.
*Postkaardikogumikust "Vene lakkmaalid", 1981.
*Открытка из комплекта "Русские художественные лаки", 1981 г.
My collection
5 September 2011
Steam Locomotives of Russia
First Russian locomotive, Y. A. and M.Y. Cherepanov, 1833-34.
Steam locomotive of type 1-3-0 series D, 1845.
First passenger steam locomotive of type 2-2-0 series V, 1845.
Steam locomotive of type 0-3-0, series Gv, 1863-67.
Passenger steam locomotive of type 2-2-0 series Bv, 1863-87
Stamps, USSR, 1978.
My collection.
* Cherepanov, Yefim Alekseyevich (1774–1842) and Miron Yefimovich (1803–1849), Russian inventors and industrial engineers, father and son. In 1833-34 they built the first Russian steam locomotive, and then in 1835 – the second one, more powerful.
* Tšerepanovite vedurid olid esimesed Venemaal ehitatud vedurid. Jefim ja Miron Tšerepanov olid isa ja poeg. Esimese veduri ehitasid nad Nižni-Tagili tehastes 1833. aastal ja katsetasid seda 1834. aastal. 1833. a oli Miron Tšerepanov käinud Inglismaal ja näinud seal Stephensoni vedurit. Inglise insener ja mehaanik George Stephenson oli maailma esimese auruveduri ehitanud 1814. a.
Steam locomotive of type 1-3-0 series D, 1845.

Steam locomotive of type 0-3-0, series Gv, 1863-67.
Passenger steam locomotive of type 2-2-0 series Bv, 1863-87
Stamps, USSR, 1978.
My collection.
* Cherepanov, Yefim Alekseyevich (1774–1842) and Miron Yefimovich (1803–1849), Russian inventors and industrial engineers, father and son. In 1833-34 they built the first Russian steam locomotive, and then in 1835 – the second one, more powerful.
* Tšerepanovite vedurid olid esimesed Venemaal ehitatud vedurid. Jefim ja Miron Tšerepanov olid isa ja poeg. Esimese veduri ehitasid nad Nižni-Tagili tehastes 1833. aastal ja katsetasid seda 1834. aastal. 1833. a oli Miron Tšerepanov käinud Inglismaal ja näinud seal Stephensoni vedurit. Inglise insener ja mehaanik George Stephenson oli maailma esimese auruveduri ehitanud 1814. a.
4 September 2011
"Capri" (1826) / Sylvester Shchedrin (1791 - 1830) / The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. Russia.
"Capri saarel" (1826) / S. Štšedrin (1791 - 1830) / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva
"На острове Капри" (1826) / С. Ф. Щедрин (1791 - 1830) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Sylvester Shchedrin (Russian: Сильвестр Феодосиевич Щедрин, 1791 - 1830) was a Russian landscape painter. He was born in St. Petersburg into the family of the famous sculptor Pheodosiy Shchedrin, rector of the Imperial Academy of Arts. In 1800, Sylvester Shchedrin entered the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, where he studied landscape paintings.
Sylvester left for Italy in 1818, delayed due to the Napoleonic Wars. Shchedrin influenced not only the Russian art but Italian art as well. He was one of the founder of the so called Posillipo school. Many of his works are in Italian museums while some were returned to Russia. Shchedrin's letters full of important artistic observations were published as a book (Shchedrin Letters from Italy) in 1932 and reprinted in 1978. He died in Sorrento in 1830. -- Wikipedia.
Look also: "View of Lake Nemi near Rome"
"Capri saarel" (1826) / S. Štšedrin (1791 - 1830) / Tretjakovi Galerii. Moskva
"На острове Капри" (1826) / С. Ф. Щедрин (1791 - 1830) / Государственная Третьяковская галерея.
Postcard, 1974.
My collection.
* Sylvester Shchedrin (Russian: Сильвестр Феодосиевич Щедрин, 1791 - 1830) was a Russian landscape painter. He was born in St. Petersburg into the family of the famous sculptor Pheodosiy Shchedrin, rector of the Imperial Academy of Arts. In 1800, Sylvester Shchedrin entered the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, where he studied landscape paintings.
Sylvester left for Italy in 1818, delayed due to the Napoleonic Wars. Shchedrin influenced not only the Russian art but Italian art as well. He was one of the founder of the so called Posillipo school. Many of his works are in Italian museums while some were returned to Russia. Shchedrin's letters full of important artistic observations were published as a book (Shchedrin Letters from Italy) in 1932 and reprinted in 1978. He died in Sorrento in 1830. -- Wikipedia.
Look also: "View of Lake Nemi near Rome"
2 September 2011
1 September 2011
"September 1"
"September 1" (1951) / A. Volkov.
"Esimene september" / A. Volkov.
"Первое сентября" / Худ А. Волков.
Postcard, 1954.
My collection.
* "September 1" is a painting by the Soviet artist A. Volkov. The piece, depicting a student getting ready for the first day of school, was widely known in the 1950s and typical of the period. Created in 1951, it included the "mandatory attributes" of the time: J. Stalin's portrait and bust. The artist supposedly removed those elements from his original painting in the 1960s. The girl is wearing a school uniform and a Young Pioneer scarf.
* Knowledge Day (Russian: День Знаний), often simply called 1st of September, is the day when the school year traditionally starts in Russia and many other former Soviet republics. This day also marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
* "Esimene september" on Nõukogude kunstniku A. Volkovi 1950.-1960. aastatel väga tuntud maal esimeseks koolipäevaks valmistuvast tüdrukust. 1951. a loodud pildil on veel n-ö kohustusliku atribuudina J. Stalini büst ja portree. Väidetavalt on kunstnik need 1960ndatel aastatel oma maali originaalilt eemaldanud.
"Esimene september" / A. Volkov.
"Первое сентября" / Худ А. Волков.
Postcard, 1954.
My collection.
* "September 1" is a painting by the Soviet artist A. Volkov. The piece, depicting a student getting ready for the first day of school, was widely known in the 1950s and typical of the period. Created in 1951, it included the "mandatory attributes" of the time: J. Stalin's portrait and bust. The artist supposedly removed those elements from his original painting in the 1960s. The girl is wearing a school uniform and a Young Pioneer scarf.
* Knowledge Day (Russian: День Знаний), often simply called 1st of September, is the day when the school year traditionally starts in Russia and many other former Soviet republics. This day also marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
* "Esimene september" on Nõukogude kunstniku A. Volkovi 1950.-1960. aastatel väga tuntud maal esimeseks koolipäevaks valmistuvast tüdrukust. 1951. a loodud pildil on veel n-ö kohustusliku atribuudina J. Stalini büst ja portree. Väidetavalt on kunstnik need 1960ndatel aastatel oma maali originaalilt eemaldanud.
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