12 September 2011

The Hussites. Jan x 3. Czech

Jan Hus.

Jan Roháč z Dubé.

Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa.
Postcards, 1960s or 1970s.
My collection.

* Jan Hus (c. 1370 – 1415) was a Czech priest, philosopher, Church reformer. He was burned at the stake, and his ashes thrown into the Rhine.
The Hussites
Jan Roháč z Dubé (? – 1437) was a Bohemian Hussite marshal. Following the death of Jan Zizka, he became Master of Orphans, a radical Hussite sect.
Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa (1400 - 1469) was a Czech strategist and mercenary soldier. Jiskra spent his youth in Bohemia and partially also in Italy, where he attended the battles of the Republic of Venice. In the Czech lands he became familiar with the Hussite war strategies.
-- Wikipedia.

* Jan Hus (u 1370 – 1415) oli tšehhi usureformaator ja filosoof. Tema pooldajaid nimetatakse hussiitideks. 15. sajandil kritiseeris Jan Hus kirikuametite müüki; nõudis kirikuvarade sekulariseerimist (ilmalikustamist); pidas usulise tõe ainukeseks kriteeriumiks piiblit. 1415 otsustas Konstanzi kirikukogu, et Jan Hus on ketser ning ta põletati tuleriidal. Pärast reformatsiooni juhi tulesurma hussiitide liikumine hoogustus. 1420. aastal algasid nn hussiitide sõjad. Jan Roháč z Dubé ja Jan Jiskra z Brandýsa kandsid husiitide ideid edasi pärast Jan Husi surma.

* Ян Гус — национальный герой чешского народа, проповедник, мыслитель, идеолог чешской Реформации. Был священником и некоторое время ректором Пражского университета. 6 июля 1415 года в Констанце был сожжён вместе со своими трудами. Казнь Гуса вызвала гуситские войны (1419 -1434).


  1. Very interesting these documents. Jan Hus is a very important figure in the history of Europe ... and a great unknown!

  2. Alois Jirásek, Czech writer, has written very interesting historical novel "Against Everyone" (1893, cz: "Proti všem"), in Estonian "Kõikide vastu" (1959), and some historical plays ("Jan Hus" 1911, "Jan Žižka" 1903, "Jan Roháč 1914...). He was particularly attracted by the Hussite period of Bohemian history.

  3. Yes, a very important man. I've never see Jan Hus postcards before!
